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Doesn't this confirm that the Heralds are immortal, as well? ...

Which brings me to my question: what are they?


Good question.

In the Prelude, there is this passage in Kalak's point of view:

Kalak looked into the immortal king's eyes.

So the Heralds think they are immortal. It seems like something that could be a residuum of the Oathpact, a portion of Honor's power or both. The kendra seemed to be immortal also.

The presumed Shalash doesn't fit the racial types on Roshar, so I guess that they were picked before mankind went to Roshar.

She wasn't Emuli-she didn't even seem Makabaki, though she had dark skin and long, beautiful black hair. She had eyes like a Shin, but she was long and lean, like an Alethi.

I don't have the quote now but Dalinar makes a reference to "Proving Day". I think this must have been a contest or demonstration where the Heralds were chosen or announced.

That's all I've got. What else do we know about them?

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So are you saying that each of the Heralds holds a Splinter, and that their individual Orders are the magic-users of that Splinter's system? Because these hypothetical Splinters have to be of Honor, because the way to access their power is through "Honoring" oaths. If these Splinters weren't related to Honor then the Radiants wouldn't have to be honorable. If this is not what you were saying, where did I misinterpret your thoughts?

Only a little bit. There's no reason the heralds couldn't use Honor's powers to supplement their own. Shards and splinters are just peices of a whole after all. So they don't really have to have splinters of Honor.

Do we know that Honor hasn't been Splintered? From what we've seen with spren and all it seems likely to me, and haven't seen a quote saying otherwise. Either way, I don't think there were Splinters that are unrelated to any of the Shards, 16 is fundamental to the cosmere so saying, "There were 16 big pieces and then a whole bunch of random smaller pieces that don't fit with the others" seems inelegant. If so then all these Splinters would need their own unique intent, separate from the intents of the others. My main problem with it is the messiness it would create, with all sorts of random intents flying around. As always I could be totally off-base here, but Brandon's systems have always seem very orderly to me, and introducing random splinters throws everything into chaos.

Well, I did say I'm recalling a quote from somewhere. I'd try and find it if I wasn't using my mobile.

... I think the reason Brandon doesn't like the word Shardholder is because he thinks people will mix it with Shardbearer. Also it seems he doesn't separate the Shard from it's holder as much as we do, they become the Shard, so to speak, so they don't need a different title.

True, but I only said it might be one reason.

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well Endowment is alive (as far as we know) and the Returned are fueled by Splinters of Endowment, so it appears that Shards can create Splinters voluntarily.

Or at least Endowment can, since it matches his/her Intent so well. Other Shards might not be able to do it as easily.
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Anyone with enough Breaths (~2000) to reach the 5th Heightening is immortal, I've seen it mentioned in other threads that Elantrians might be immortal as long as they know how to heal themselves.

There is a Brandon quote that implies that we've seen an incognito Herald or two in addition to Taln, Shalash, Jezrien, and Kalak.

Edited by Cheese Ninja
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There is a Brandon quote that implies that we've seen an incognito Herald or two in addition to Taln, Shalash, Jezrien, and Kalak.

Ever since I first read WoK, I've always had a feeling about Taravangian. One that tells me he's more important than is being let on. After seeing his "transformation" from bumbling, kind, old king to half-mad, scheming (possibly borderline evil) king with "good" intentions, it really felt he was much more important than originally shown. And, really, why would Brandon have a whole book dedicated to his point of view? He's an interesting character, but as he is now, it would kind of read like an Edgar Allen Poe book. I mean really, crazy guy kidnaps the dying so he can push the process along and write down potential prophecies? What kind of screwed up individual devises such a plan and what type of really screwed up person actually carries it out? Crazy king wants to start assassinating people so he can get everybody ready to resist during the Desolation? What is your major malfunction, T?

Honestly, why would someone in his position (not the most powerful king from only an average in-world power)think it's his responsibility to get the world ready for the Desolation? And how would he know its coming when everyone else besides the Heralds and the Almighty think they're all done? It's possible he just stumbled upon the knowledge, no doubt. But when I saw there would be a book dedicated to his point of view...my first reaction was he might be one of the Heralds who has too many nuts in his fruitcake. I can't recall hearing a lot about his past and where he came from or how he ascended to the throne.

It would be a good twist. We've been led to believe the Heralds are the most honorable among the Rosharians, but maybe that isn't so. Some of them might have become pretty devious fellows -or gals- who fight fire with fire.

Am I completely off-base? Have I missed something that blows that theory out of the water?

Edited by Droz
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I personally think that Taravangian is just a regular king. I'm not sure if you've heard about this, but Brandon has confirmed that Taravangian went to see the Nightwatcher. One of it's affects is a fluctuating IQ from day to day, but whether it's his curse or boon or both is yet to be seen. Every night before he goes to bed he'll write a math test for himself, and have his stewards or guards give it to him in the morning. If he can't get above a certain score, his retainers will keep him away from any important decisions. If you've already seen this, then I'm sorry I just went through a whole paragraph on it, but it does explain the reason he moves so abruptly from kindly grandfather to world dominating murderer.

But as for how he discovered the death visions, I think it probably went like this. Kharbranth surely had some hospitals, Taravangian may have originally built them to help his people even. But when he visits, and sits by those dying he hears them whisper their visions, and gets reports from other doctors as well. He probably decided that these visions had to be significant, and started collecting them. It just seems the most straightforward idea to me, although that doesn't mean it has to be true.

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I personally think that Taravangian is just a regular king. I'm not sure if you've heard about this, but Brandon has confirmed that Taravangian went to see the Nightwatcher. One of it's affects is a fluctuating IQ from day to day, but whether it's his curse or boon or both is yet to be seen. Every night before he goes to bed he'll write a math test for himself, and have his stewards or guards give it to him in the morning. If he can't get above a certain score, his retainers will keep him away from any important decisions. If you've already seen this, then I'm sorry I just went through a whole paragraph on it, but it does explain the reason he moves so abruptly from kindly grandfather to world dominating murderer.

But as for how he discovered the death visions, I think it probably went like this. Kharbranth surely had some hospitals, Taravangian may have originally built them to help his people even. But when he visits, and sits by those dying he hears them whisper their visions, and gets reports from other doctors as well. He probably decided that these visions had to be significant, and started collecting them. It just seems the most straightforward idea to me, although that doesn't mean it has to be true.

I didn't know that! That makes the character make more sense for me. I must've missed that in my reading...wouldn't be the first time.

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