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Hello everyone! I recently fell into the epic storyline known as The Starlight Archive. This has to be the best story and world I have read more recently that could compare to Middle Earth in a big way. I'm so excited to get into this and can't wait to watch this story unfold! I'm currently re-listening to The Way of Kings on Audible and borrowed Words of Radiance from my local library. My favorite character so far has to be Kaladin because of his struggle from the very bottom you can be in life to where he will eventually become. I have added all three books to my Christmas wishlist and hope that soon I can have all three on my bookshelf to re-read for years to come.

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Awesome! The Stormlight Archive is also my favorite series that Brandon has written. Probably because it's the content-est content there is that he's made; Mistborn has almost as many pages and words, but it's not there yet. Also, I've read the Stormlight Archive most recently. What's your favorite fantasy book?

Also, avoid the cookies. They're Invested, and with Ruin's stuff (not Honor's).

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