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[OB] Sja-anat corrupting Shardplate?

A Dopey Spren

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If we were to follow the idea that Shardplate consists of lesser Spren (windspren for windrunners, creationspren for Lightweavers, gloryspren for Bondsmiths), Sja-anat's ability to corrupt becomes far more dangerous than imagined.

Maybe her ability, by corrupting the Spren, result in a Surgebinder not being able to summon their Shardplate (as she has now influenced them). We know that hungerspren don't get corrupted, (and they don't seem to be the kind of Spren that could make Shardplate). We do see gloryspren, creationspren, lifespren and many others corrupted by Sja-anat's influence.

This could be just one aspect of her ability, and if the theory that that is the manner in which Shardplate is made, she seems even more dangerous than previously thought. The ability to remove the KRs defence leaves them in harms way.

I do realise that their are other types of Spren which are affected by her abilities, maybe these are for different reasons than mentioned above.

What do you guys think?

Edited by A Dopey Spren
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Interesting thought. However, unlike the Shardblade, it seems to me that the Plate is not formed up of spren who bond to an individual, but of the spren (of a certain type) that happen to be closest at the time. And I think any corrupted spren would simply not be drawn to form Plate, so that wouldn't be much of a problem. I suppose it could be an issue if she was close to a KR and corrupted the spren while they were already formed up as Plate, thereby removing the protection (until new spren gather, I suppose). 

However, we have to take into account that Sja-anat's corrupting influence is clearly not the same anymore as it was before. Sja-anat seems to have gained more self-awareness and is throwing off Odium's influence. I think that would change how her corruption influences the affected spren. It used to be impossible for a Radiant to bond a corrupted spren, but Renarin has bonded Glys and he seems alright? It feels like things are getting mixed up: a KR bonding a spren of Odium, a singer becoming a KR,... things aren't what they used to be :)

So, either way I don't see this becoming much of a problem, though I may of course be wrong :)

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2 hours ago, Evendale said:

Interesting thought. However, unlike the Shardblade, it seems to me that the Plate is not formed up of spren who bond to an individual, but of the spren (of a certain type) that happen to be closest at the time. And I think any corrupted spren would simply not be drawn to form Plate, so that wouldn't be much of a problem. I suppose it could be an issue if she was close to a KR and corrupted the spren while they were already formed up as Plate, thereby removing the protection (until new spren gather, I suppose). 

However, we have to take into account that Sja-anat's corrupting influence is clearly not the same anymore as it was before. Sja-anat seems to have gained more self-awareness and is throwing off Odium's influence. I think that would change how her corruption influences the affected spren. It used to be impossible for a Radiant to bond a corrupted spren, but Renarin has bonded Glys and he seems alright? It feels like things are getting mixed up: a KR bonding a spren of Odium, a singer becoming a KR,... things aren't what they used to be :)

So, either way I don't see this becoming much of a problem, though I may of course be wrong :)

 I completely agree. I was thinking in terms of spren in the area, rather than spren bonding to the KR (which I don't believe is the case). And definitely a valid point in terms of things not being what they used to be, (it means that lore that we find out from Urithuru may not be applicable now...) :o 

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