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[OB] [Cosmere] Letter Writing campaigns


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Haven't noticed this as a topic yet - forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere.


Act 2. The Letters. My thoughts on authorship. First. All of them are Shards.


Letter 3:    Clearly, Sazed.  The text matches the exact wording of WoBs regarding Sazed's plight. Also very polite and wants to make acquaintance. Which is good.


Letter 1: My money is on Bavadin because the author clearly does not like Hoid, and takes opportunity to troll him. Bavadin's dislike of Hoid has been mentioned before. Also, the "my young avatar is very suspicious of you" bit is consistent with WoBs about the entire pantheons of Bavadin.


Letter 2:  The most difficult one, as it is written in plural, and is more ambiguous than the other two. But... Mraize has just visited the world of Aether of Night.  So, my somewhat wacky theory is that Aether of Night has a new canon (no more Ruin on that world), and in that canon, there are either two sibling Shards on the planet, or one Shard that is essentially split into two halves and is held of two equally matched Slivers with own sub-Intents.  And this is the Shard/Shards who are writing to Hoid in plural.



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