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[OB] Identifying those spoiler-free reactions

Necessary Eagle

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Ones I'm pretty certain about

“You little whore!”
I feel like Brandon could be taking direct comments from prior beta reads as dialogue here. :D

That book the interlude ardent was reading, obviously.


It’s a little alarming when Nightblood is the voice of reason.

The conversation with Szeth when Nale defects.


Alas, poor Eshonai...


Pattern is a Vulcan.

Dividing by zero.


She’s CREEPY! I wasn’t expecting her to be creepy…
^^ I expected creepy, just more humanoid creepy, not mist-like, incorporeal creepy.

The visit to the Nightwatcher.


Ones I think I might have

He’s going to die, isn’t he?

I'm guessing Dalinar in the climax, or, if this reader has better plot-sense than I do, poor Elhokar.


Oh, you make me weep! You just don’t see anything wrong about him, do you, no matter how he treats you? You are far, far too good for him ::sniffles::

Evi and Dalinar.


My feelings about [this character] have been all over the place throughout the series thus far, but this was almost a ‘WHOOP!’ moment for me. I’m… I don’t know about happy, but certainly pleased for him.
Big WHOOP!! moment for me too! I’m loving the journey from “OMG THIS DUDE IS BAD NEWS ” to “oh wait I kind of love him??? and want him to be happy???”
Same here. I have such mixed feelings about him. I love him and he scares me.



Chuckle. Well that’s one way to get a ride. I’m looking forward to learning more about this Princess business.

Some point in Shademar, but I'm going to have to reread that section again.


“OH SH*T. Eeeek. Yeah Dalinar he’s super great… Oh no.”
“Ruh roh.”
“Oh My God.. No…..”

Odium names his champion.


Oh crap! Anti-Radiants & stormlight. Stormlight? Stormdark. Stormshadow? Everlight? Ahem. Well, that cannot possibly be good at all.

Kaladin meets the Fused.


What about you guys? What did you come up with?

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"Pattern is a Vulcan" is almost certainly this bit:


“Mmmm . . .” Pattern said as another screech sounded behind them. “Humans, you must stop your emotions. They are very inconvenient here.” 

-Ch 95

And "Well that’s one way to get a ride" is probably Syl turning herself in to the other Honorspren to get on their ship.

There were a few more I was pretty confident of so I'll collect them and edit this post in a second...

ETA: Made guesses for a bunch of them. Under a spoiler tag for length:


1. You smug SOB… You prideful chull!

Moash giving Kal the salute after killing Elhokar?

5. This gave me goosebumps. I feel absolutely terrified at hearing this. Why don’t they speak of it? Because it was of great importance to her, but didn’t seem to be to them? I am really interested to learn more about this in the future.


Something stirred deep within [Jasnah]. Glimmers of memory from a dark room, screaming her voice ragged. A childhood illness nobody else seemed to remember, for all it had done to her.
It had taught her that people she loved could still hurt her.

-Ch 47

7. Every time I see his name mentioned now my heart starts beating a little faster.


12. Oh no… that’s not going to be good for him at all. That’s going to be very bad for him, actually.

Elhokar getting stabbed. :P

18. The manner of [this event] was one of the things that I always wanted to know but could never come up with a satisfying theory. This is something I had never considered but it is perfectly horrible. It is what it needs to be for the story, but storms is it hard to read.

Evi's death.

23. Oh god, this is terrifying. Everything is happy. Everyone’s getting along. Oh no, don’t do this. I know a Hope Spot when I see one! I can feel the plot twist coming! I can feel Taravangian’s machinations about to ruin everything and everyone’s just SO HAPPY right now! AUGH!

The meeting in Ch. 111 before Dalinar gets undermined by the Highking business, the Dawnchant translations, and the revelation of his meetings with Odium.

24. WHAT.
ERRRR MAHHH GAWWWWD yessssssssss!!!!
^^ Not only is this reaction extremely funny, but it’s also ironically accurate. lol!

Dalinar saying "I am Unity" and manifesting the perpendicularity.

25. Bwahahahaha. This is like something out of a Looney Tunes cartoon and I love it.
We’re Wile E. Coyote right now.

Szeth pretending to collide into a rock to swap the ruby to Lift?

28. I’ve been waiting for this conversation for so long and spent the entire section internally screaming and I’m sooooo glad they finally talked about things and AAHHHHHHHH

Adolin telling Shallan that he killed Sadeas. Or maybe when he tells Dalinar.

30. WHAT?? Why did they lock her up, the poor thing??
That’s what I thought, soon followed by “Oh.. that’s surprisingly considerate, then.”
This is more depressing than it really should be to me

Maya on Ico's ship.

32. OMG man be MORE of an asshat why don’t you?

Amaram insulting Jasnah?

33. Lump. In. Throat.  I loved this moment.

Realistically this could be many things but I'm going to toss out as possibilities: 1) Jasnah and Dalinar reading The Way of Kings after Gavilar's funeral 2) Bridge Four carrying their bridge one last time

34. Shudder…my stomach is in knots right now. Traps people walk into deliberately are much more suspenseful.

Shallan using the corrupted Oathgate in Kholinar.

35. This gave me the chills. I could envision it so clearly, and what a horrible, horrible concept.

The vision Dalinar has in the Valley where he brutally forges a unified Vorin empire.

36. Oof. Powerful and well written. I’m always amazed at what you can do with the restrictions of the Ketek form.


“You, always about dreams. My soul weeps. Farewell, weeping soul. My dreams . . . about, always, You.”

-Ch 105

39. HAHAHAHA Worldhopper jokes!

When Felt says that Dalinar is "a little less foreign" (well, actually this one is probably meant to be something Wit said... but Felt's line just stuck in my head better I guess).

42. “OH SH*T. Eeeek. Yeah Dalinar he’s super great… Oh no.”
“Ruh roh.”
“Oh My God.. No…..”

Dalinar thinking about Taravangian at the end of Ch 12

44. Oh crap! Anti-Radiants & stormlight. Stormlight? Stormdark. Stormshadow? Everlight? Ahem. Well, that cannot possibly be good at all.

Kaladin's first encounter with the Fused.


Edited by Jess
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    Bwahahahaha. This is like something out of a Looney Tunes cartoon and I love it.
    We’re Wile E. Coyote right now.

Lopen sticking himself to the ground.


    WHAT?? Why did they lock her up, the poor thing??
    That’s what I thought, soon followed by “Oh.. that’s surprisingly considerate, then.”
    This is more depressing than it really should be to me

Maya on the Lightspren's ship.


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I thought the Looney Tunes thing was Renarin getting smushed into the ground, then popping right back up. There are so many moments where Looney Tunes would be an appropriate comparison to Stormlight.

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