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[OB] Venli and Timbre


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Okay, so it's possible that I am completely off base, but did anyone else think that Timbre is actually Eshonai?


She turned to go, but paused as she saw something. What was that small spren that had crept out from beneath Eshonai’s corpse? It looked like a small ball of white fire; it gave off little rings of light and trailed a streak behind it. Like a comet.


There is an interaction at the end of the book where Venli seems to be conversing with Timbre. We only hear her responses, but if she is actually hearing a voice, I guess it wouldn't make sense for it to be Eshonai. It's hard to tell if she's just interpreting Timbre's mood or actually interacting with her.


“This bond was supposed to be impossible,” she whispered to Timbre.

Timbre pulsed to Peace.

“I’m happy too,” Venli whispered. “But why me? Why not one of the humans?”

Timbre pulsed to Irritation, then the Lost.

“That many? I had no idea the human betrayal had cost so many of your people’s lives. And your own grandfather?”

Irritation again. “I’m not sure how much I trust the humans either. Eshonai did though.”

p. 1196

Irritation seems like an odd reaction to the conversation, if it's really about how many people Timbre lost. It seems like there'd be some other rhythm that would be more appropriate. Of course, it would make sense that a spren doesn't care much for humans given the Recreance.

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