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Highstorm and Death Visions


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I think they are two distinctly different powers, we know for a fact that the Highstorm visions are of the past and in some cases the distant past.


But what if the Death Visions are of the future? 


Honor states that Cultivation is better at seeing the future than he is, so perhaps this is something she is doing and in many cases fits in closer with how Cultivating works than it would if they were an Honor based occurrence.


Also things to note: Taravangian is incredibly knowledgeable about Shin culture, something which is almost certain to be a Cultivation based society if anywhere on Roshar is, he knew about Szeth so its even possible if not probably that either he was trained by someone high ranking from Shinovar or his organisation originates from there. If this is indeed the case then he might well realise that these visions are from Cultivation and that is why they are so important to mankind, worth risking damning himself in the process of acquiring as much information as possible.


I dont think he is part of the Ghostbloods though,

I dont know why but I feel the Ghostbloods were linked more with Darkness and his efforts to stop surgebinding, I think that is why they wanted Jasnah dead, perhaps he did not want to risk going after her openly? if so then I think Taravangian is part of some organisation left over from the Hierocrocy but with influence from Shinovar, perhaps another Herald.

Edited by Cayden
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You should spoiler any Words of Radiance content when you're posting in this board.


As to the death rattles being visions of the future, I agree. They definitely seem prophetic. Cultivation/the Nightwatcher is seen as a shepherd of the dead in some ways, so her being linked to the death visions seems likely to me. We know Cultivation was decent at seeing the future, so that's some good evidence too.


I also like the idea of a link between Taravangian and Cultivation. I've previously theorized that he could be Cultivation's champion, in a way. He's pruning the old rotted growth of the world to allow for new leaders after he dies. His ties to the Shin and the Shin's ties to Cultivation imply an interesting relationship.


WoR spoilers:

I don't believe there's any real link between Darkness and the Ghostbloods. Darkness is obsessed with doing things legally. Assassination is quite blatantly against the law, so I fully expect that he will not be a Ghostblood.

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Quite a good point actually, I think im off on that bit, but there has to be a reason other than the soulcaster that they want her dead 


What about that she is a powerfull person rejecting the existance of the Almighty?

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