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[OB] The Eventual Artwork

Aon Ati

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One of the things I am most looking forward to when Oathbringer comes out is the fan art. I am most hoping for new pictures of Urithiru, young Dalinar in battle (even though it is pretty gross), Shallan battling Re-Shephir, Re-Shephir herself, and now Kaladin parting the storming with the windspren behind him! It is going to be a great time for Cosmere artists. Are there any that I missed or that you guys think should be created?

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  • Jofwu changed the title to [OB] The Eventual Artwork

Listeners. Please finally some listeners. Especially now that there are voidforms around.

I'd love to see some spren depictions as well, maybe we'll get to see Spark, Ivory or Glys. Maybe in bladeform as well.

I'm sure we'll get some of the murals in Urithiru, and probably a map of one of the levels. Maybe Shallan's surrealistic version?

I hope we get new flora and fauna from around Urithiru as well. should be very different from what we've seen so far. 


Edit, Oh I'm sorry I misread, I thought this was about in-book illustrations. I agree, the Re-Shephir battle would be great. I'm sure there will be other amazing and visual scenes later on as well. I'm really looking forward to what all the talented people around can come up with. 

Edited by Ciridae
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The fan art is going to be great but how about the actual art that's going to be in this book it self. I hope we get a whole bunch of Shallan art. I just started drawing this past year and just recently started trying to do shardplate. I hope you get to see some more sets. I have been Google Imaging all the main characters to see if anybody's done more fan art from the chapters that have been released. I haven't been able to see anything yet so I hope there's a huge tidal wave of new fan art. 


Edited by bdoble97
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I'd love to see the mythical depictions of the Unmade.  Shallan had described how Re-Shepnir appeared in stories as a counterpoint to reality, but it would be amazing to see artistic depictions of the mythical versions of the Unmade.


And then compare them side by side with the mythical depictions of the Heralds, but you know, just seeing them would be cool too.

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