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Writer's Group - Any takers?


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I'd be interested. But I definitely have weeks where I don't achieve anything. And my work timetable is... Predictable in its unpredictableness. (I work on a ten day schedule. (Would fit in with a Roshar week nicely).

Also, I am AEST... Australian Eastern Standard Time... So good luck fitting me in somewhere :D

I actually think this is full, but you could create your own group, I suppose. I found this topic too late, and I'm looking for one to join. ;)

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Since I'm not sure how to communicate with the group on Google docs... Are we submitting tomorrow?


I've spent yesterday and today outlining a new piece that I'm really enjoying, and think will work great, and hopefully only run about 30k words, and I'll have the first scene written tomorrow, ready to submit. Is this going to happen?


(Two groups may work better, dealing with 8 schedules can be a real headache.)

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Hey Megalodon,


It doesn't look like it, at least with the people that initially were interested.  From the email I sent last monday, I only received your reply and Tyson's.  So, I think I'm probably going to start removing names from the shared folder and we'll accept one more person to make our number four. 


If anyone else wants to make a group of their own, more power to them.  However, four people is just more manageable than 7 or 8 and its easier to keep a smaller group accountable.  I'd rather not wait any longer to get this started.


So if anyone from the original group that expressed interest can respond to my email from last week by the end of today, then I'll keep your name on the list and the group will be maxxed out.  If not, anyone else that was interested can shoot me an IM today and I'll go on a first come, first serve basis.


As to a google hangout, if its possible we can do one depending on people's schedule and time zone, then great.  If not, I'm more than happy with some thoughtful and well written comments.


Megalodon, if you want to post something now.  Feel free to do so and I'd be happy to read it.  As long as we get the group of four wrapped up tomorrow, I'm going to set the submission date for next monday night.

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If nobody else is posting until next Monday, I'll go ahead and wait until then--I may want to revise this a little bit, though I'm mostly happy with it as it is.


I hope you can find someone else who is active. I was worried that this would be a problem, but hopefully once we have started and had at least one meeting, those who start will stick with the group.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Ookla,


Thanks for the interest.  Right now we're at four people and I'm currently checking people's temperature to see if we want to add additional members though we are looking to keep things relatively small.  We do submissions every Monday night and feedback every Friday night (generally, anyway).  I'll probably post something here in the next few days once I hear back from everyone. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey folks,


So the topic of forming a writer's group came up in a thread about Brandon's 2014 lectures so I've created this thread to coordinate things without derailing the other thread.


So far we have 4 people who are interested.  I think we want to keep the number to around six but depending on the interest, it's possible that several groups could form.


The people so far:







So we would have room for two more members in this group.  If anyone else wants to join up, please reply to this post.




So if that interests you, post below.  




Is there still room to join?


Edit: I've also noticed that this thread had last shown activity several weeks ago so I am wondering if things petered off or what?

So I was thinking of possibly starting my own group but I don't want to steal any steam if this group is still going so I will hold off for a bit more until I (fail to)hear otherwise.


Edited by WriteNowDave
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