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Favorite Malazan Book  

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  1. 1. Favorite Malazan Book

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Just from that preview, I'm going to love FoD! Starting on the last 50 pages of Midnight Tides right now. 


Is Therudas Buhn, whom Bugg banishes to his warren, the dead Edur found on the beach in MoI? 

I flipped a coin tonight to see if I was going to move on to Bonehunters or FoD. The Lady's pull has put me back in Seven Cities! 

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15 hours ago, Ammanas said:

I think all the clashes of information is due to two reasons:

1. His background has a archeologist. History changes all the time based on new information.

2. The author really doesn't care about getting facts straight. He is more concerned with messages and theames. He has said if he focused on tinelines and lining up details it would cease to be fun for him and he wouldn't want to write anymore.

On a sidenote the self indulgence and for lack of a better word pompous attitude of this book is at times amazing and other times absurd. Here is the first page for a taste


Yeah, I can forgive Erikson this wankery as long as he contains it to the Kharkanas Trilogy.  I don't want this in the Witness Trilogy.

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13 minutes ago, Who Sharded? said:

Yeah, I can forgive Erikson this wankery as long as he contains it to the Kharkanas Trilogy.  I don't want this in the Witness Trilogy.

I think it was the interview that @Madness shared where Erikson said the Karsa trilogy will be in the same style as the first three books (Gardens through Memories of Ice). So good news there I believe!

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11 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

"You are Leoman of the Feathers, and it shall be as you say." 

My love for Korabb is unending. I can't believe I left him off my list!

@Briar King I have a love/hate relationship with the Farseer saga. It's fascinating, but so full of angst. I had a hard time liking any of the characters, but the final trilogy is, IMO, the finest of the set.


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So I have heard from a few sources. I’m quiet excited to get to 7 and take my time. I’m in such a rush to get to them that even at my snails pace I’ve reached a few 100+ pgs a day so far on the rereads of 1-4. I probably would have grabbed Liveship if it had been at store when I got 7-9 and then again when I was on bk 3 but my store sucks. Not worried about it now. Maybe in a few yrs when I reread again and not in a rush.

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16 hours ago, officiumdefunctorum said:

"More tea, and less angst."

Quotable quotes from Gothos.

"I greet you as guests, and so I will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laughter. No, instead I will make some tea." 

Memories of Ice & Bonehunters spoilers :


Kallor agrees to the position of King of Chains on the condition that CG give him an "opportunity" with a vulnerable Silverfox. 

When Whiskeyjack's bad leg went out, was that the CG acting through his injury? 

The thought just occurred to me with Gethol's appearance to Tene Baralta after he was burned at Y'Ghatan. 

I love the double meanings behind almost everything:

"And what so spurred their zeal?" 

"Vengeance, of course. And Anomandaris." 

Edited by AngelEy3
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Just finished Fall of Light. For all my expectation that it would be a bit of a slog, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first two books are frustrating and devastating, but moreso in the story they tell than in the telling. Anyone who's on the fence about reading it, I recommend giving it a go. Looking forward to Walk in Shadow, though admittedly not as much as Toblakai.

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28 minutes ago, officiumdefunctorum said:

Just finished Fall of Light. For all my expectation that it would be a bit of a slog, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first two books are frustrating and devastating, but moreso in the story they tell than in the telling. Anyone who's on the fence about reading it, I recommend giving it a go. Looking forward to Walk in Shadow, though admittedly not as much as Toblakai.

That's promising to hear. I have them already, just waiting for my 2nd readong of the main series and then I'm going to start them. About halfway through Bonehunters right now. I finished Chapter 7 and then turned around and read it again. 


Chapter 7 is Y'Ghatan 


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11 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Which is likely the longest chapter of 1-10. It was 80+ pgs in my tpb edition.

I have the same edition. Worth every page turn! I'm super excited now for Reaper's Gale since I found that hardcover at the thrift store on Friday. 


Hellian conquering Lether one tavern at a time is going to be good. Plus Beak! 


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It's hard for some people to jump back into Darujhistan and revisit some characters that haven't been seen since Memories of Ice; a lot has happened and a lot the reader could forget. A couple of my friends actually stopped reading the series at Toll the Hound and no matter how much I pester them they say,  "Maybe I will get back to it someday." How they could stop reading a series they have already invested so much into I cannot really explain. 

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39 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

It's hard for some people to jump back into Darujhistan and revisit some characters that haven't been seen since Memories of Ice; a lot has happened and a lot the reader could forget. A couple of my friends actually stopped reading the series at Toll the Hound and no matter how much I pester them they say,  "Maybe I will get back to it someday." How they could stop reading a series they have already invested so much into I cannot really explain. 

On my reread I'm having a harder and harder time placing the order of events the closer I get to Reaper's Gale. After that everything goes whirlwind in my head because I really started reading a lot faster and more often. I feel like this 2nd half (6-10) is going to be much more rewarding than the first was. And that is saying something. 

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2 hours ago, officiumdefunctorum said:

Erikson replied to a comment I made on one of his Facebook posts. He was disagreeing with me, but I feel special. :D

Erikson on Facebook is something that has above my head till now. Can't believe I never thought to follow an author on Twitter or Facebook. 

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I’m very curious to see how my 2nd read will go. It was without a doubt my least fav of the 10. I zoned out sooooo much on it and couldn’t even bother myself to reread entire sections of it. Bad thing is it was the Tiste parts that did it and I love Tiste.... not a Nimander fan though.


still gonna be quite awhile till I get to it. On Fitz 5. After I do those I will focus on Crimson full time. Gotta say I’m not digging it and I can totally see why this is my 3rd attempt at it lol.

Edited by Briar King
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I thought Toll the Hounds was strong installment, but know others have struggled with it. I do really wish that the Dying God was Hairlock though; it would of made more sense. By the way the Dying God has to be the most bizarre storyline of the series.

The book (of the ten) that I struggled the most with was Dust of Dreams, but the ending makes up for my personal slog because it has, in my opinion, the best convergence of the series. 

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