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Shallan never enters Shadesmar.

Ataraxian Wist

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I recently read something in another topic about Shallan potentially Worldhopping because she can "enter the Cognitive Realm" but can she really?

Other times people enter the Cognitive Realm, they take their bodies with them (except in the case of Cognitive Shadows, but that's because they're dead), so why doesn't Shallan? Were know that the Surge of Transportation allows people fully into the Cognitive Realm so they can Worldhop, but whenever Jasnah or Shallan Soulcast, they stay in the physical realm and it looks like they could be using Soulcasters.

Obviously, then, the Surge of Transformation does not let people into Shadesmar, but rather let's them interact with it, whereas Transportation actually creates small-scale Perpendicularities.


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That's kind of right. They create a kind of soul bubble you peer into the cognitive realm and interact with it but their body remains in the physical realm


Q: When somebody travels into the cognitive realm, what happens to their physical self? To their body? Like Elsecalling or through a Shardpool?
A: Um, well it depends on the way they’re doing it. The two ways you’ve mentioned transport the physical body. It’s actually creating a rift and slipping them through. But there are other ways that you kind of peek in, where you’re body’s saying it’s a little more astral projection-y in those cases.
Q: So their physical self would also be in the cognitive realm?
A: Yes.
Q: Okay.
A: Which is weird.
Q: Yeah.
A: But yes, um...
Q: As opposed to somebody like Kelsier who died and no longer has a physical self.
A: Yes, right. Or when Shallan is soulcasting and peeking in, and things like this. Like… Um… It can still be dangerous, because what’s happening is that little soul bubble there that’s manifesting into a version of your soul and then things can get at it in different ways and stuff. So... But yes, going in physically means you just pop between realms, and yeah, yeah…
Q: And when they leave the cognitive realm their physical self just leaves the cognitive realm the same...
A: Yep, mhm, yep.
Q: Perfect.
A: Basically you’re transferring into investiture and popping out of investiture, so...


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