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I love One Armed Herdazian Jokes, we may be short on time for One Armed Herdazian Jokes, Oathbringer will be out soon, and we can't know what happens in the book especially if the forshadowing is correct "Rafo" If you haven't. SO! Lets get them while we can.

How do you get a One Armed Herdazian out of the Tree.


Sadly, I'm not very inventive with Jokes SO! Lets hear yours!


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Why did the one armed Herdazian man lose the bar fight? He was disarmed, of course!

What do you call a Herdazian girl with one arm and one leg? Eileen!

Where do one armed Herdazians go to do their shopping? The second hand store!

Okay, that's all I've got, I'm stumped.

I'll leave now :P

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Did you hear the one-armed Herdazian battalion isn't going to battle? They've been disarmed.

A one-armed Herdazian was watching a bunch of kids play ball when it bounced way off the field. Rather than kick it back, he picked it up and ran it back over.  When asked why, he said I gotta hand it to ya.

A Herdazian lost his arm in combat and had to quit his day job.  He wasn't handy anymore.

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I got one.

What is Shallan's biggest fear?


Breaking a Nahel.


A one-armed herdazian walks into a bar. The bartender asks him how he lost his arm. And the herdazian says: "I can count on one hand the number of times I've been asked that." 

(I can count on one hand the number of people who laughed at that.)


What can a one-armed herdazian do with one hand tied behind his back?


I honestly have no clue. See if you can come up with a good one.


How did the one-armed herdazian beat the chasmfiend?




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