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Well, It's Been A Year...

Borio Singaldi

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Hey, everybody. This is Firerust. I joined the Shard on October 22nd of 2016. It was done as a kind of afterthought because I had recently gotten super into the Cosmere, and it wasn't until a few months later that I actually decided to use this account, look around the site, and make my first post. But my first post, a thoery about the Evil on Threnody, made on March 12th of 2017, wasn't an intro post. I never made one, and for a long time, I figured it was too late to create one. But then I saw another Sharder finally make an intro post despite being a long-time member, and I figured; "Well, then if that's okay, I might as well do mine too!" Though I decided to wait until my one-year anniversary. So here it is, a year after joining. Sorry I'm late.


So I was first introduced to Brandon Sanderson books by my dad when I was young. He would constantly recommend his books to me and I'd just be annoyed at his suggestions, thinking I wouldn't like them. He read the first couple chapters of Elantris to me, and though they caught my interest, I didn't get into reading the book myself. Another time, he gave me a rough explanation of the backstory of the Stormlight Archive, which I found way too complicated to be worth my time reading. And then one day, he checked out a copy of The Rithmatist to get me to read it, so I decided I would.

I barely got a few pages into it before I decided I didn't like it and didn't want to read it. So my dad gave up on recommending books to me for a while.

Years later, he finally convinced me to read Steelheart, and I really liked it. My dad and I then waited eagerly together for the releases of Firefight and Calamity so we could both read them when they came out. That's exactly what we did, and I finished the series before him, haha. After that, I was at a point in my life where I was seriously thinking up story ideas for writing books of my own, namely metal-based magic systems for a fantasy series I'm writing. But when I explained them to my dad, he told me that they weren't original and that someone else had already done them. When I asked what made them unoriginal, he told me to read Mistborn and Elantris. So I started reading Mistborn to find out more about the magic systems.

I did not expect that I would fall so much in love with the series and become obsessed with it on a level almost as great as my Harry Potter fandomness. Honestly, the first book is my favorite Sanderson novel to this day. Mistborn became my new favorite series and I just kept on reading the series after the first trilogy (which had me reeling just a bit). But there were a few things about it I didn't feel like I understood. Who was this Hoid guy who got little to no description? Who was the red-haired guy who'd held Ruin's power? What other metals hadn't been found yet? What did Adonalsium mean? Then there were a few people in my neighborhood talking about this connected universe of stories Brandon's books took place in who explained Hoid to me. So I did a bit more research (which led to me finding a few big Stormlight spoilers on accident, oopsie), but then I decided to read the rest of Brandon's books. So I then read The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and Elantris (in that order, I think). I have since fallen in love with the Stormlight Archive and it's vying with Mistborn for being my favorite Sanderson series. Anyway, I researched the Coppermind Wiki and many Words of Brandon to become more Cosmere-aware, and eventually became the super-hardcore Sanderfan I am today. I later read all the Cosmere and short stories novellas in and out of Arcanum Unbounded, and finally found a way to read Warbreaker, one of the few Cosmere books my family doesn't own. And now I am slowly reading Oathbringer as the chapters come out.

Suffice it to say that my love for Brandon Sanderson's books has far surpassed that of my dad's to the point that I am constantly annoying him with Cosmere-geekery and recommending Sanderson stories to him he hasn't read yet. And thus has the learner become the master.

I still haven't read The Rithmatist, and I don't really plan to. Same with the Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians series. I also haven't read White Sand yet, but I'm not so sure I want to.

I have also kind of been forcing the books on other people I know, and it's been working. Just recently, I finally got my younger brother, who's only read The Reckoners so far, to start reading Mistborn (he isn't very far yet). Also, I have a friend who's a Sanderfan but has only read Warbreaker and the first Mistborn trilogy, and she's finally started reading Alloy of Law. I can't wait for her to read Secret History. I've been encouraging my dad to read Arcanum Unbounded, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet. Instead, he's just rereading Words of Radiance, which I guess is also alright.

Anyway, more about me. I passionately love music in the form of listening to music, playing the piano, and composing soundtrack-style songs, and I want to be a professional composer as one of my careers when I grow up. I'm also a deep creative thinker and a writer who aspires to be an author of numerous fantasy and sci-fi stories. Like, I'm the kind of person who thinks up the basic storyline of an entire book series in a matter of an hour. I'm also an actor, but only in school and not professionally, though I do want to make another career out of it. I am a major fanboy of a lot of fandoms, but not so much to the point where they dominate my life (not anymore, at least). I feel inclined to mention I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am kind of an introvert, but I love being social anyway.


Sorry for the huge ranting and all. But I just want to say how glad I am to be on this site. I want to thank all those who have taken the time to read and respond to my topics, the Surgefinders for inviting me to join their ranks, and most importantly Brandon Sanderson for creating this wonderful world of books we all love. Hi, everybody!

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