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Some friends got me into Brandon Sanderson by starting me out on Mistborn a few months ago and I've been hooked ever since. I've read the whole Mistborn series, and am at the end of Part 3 of WoR in Stormlight. 

So, yeah! Here to chat, dodge spoilers, have fun and start rumors about my fantastical Oathbringer theories. <3

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15 hours ago, The Allomantic Metalhead said:

Hello Foxx, and welcome to the 17th shard!

Have you read Mistborn 2nd Age (Alloy of Law etc) or just the 1st age?

I haven't read any of Brandon's works. I was lazy and listened to the audiobooks.

I'd also like to ask if you've heard of the Mistborn Adventure Game.

I've never played the adventure game, but have seen it. I want to try it out some time. And I haven't read the 2nd Age yet. I'm planning on doing that after Oathbringer. :)



7 hours ago, zmunkz said:

Welcome :)

Do you find yourself more in the Mistborn camp or the Stormlight camp, if you had to choose? I'm curious since I read his stuff in the reverse order to you.

I think the Stormlight camp, just because of how vast the world is and how much more "meat" there seems to be in that series. 

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17 hours ago, The Allomantic Metalhead said:

Can't wait to listen to Oathbringer. The Mistborn Adventure Game is cool, but it has very weird rules. It's really fun to utterly butcher canon with an army of mind-controlled koloss.

Hahaha! That sounds exactly like something I would do! 

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