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Adolin's necklace


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So, I've been re-reading Stormlight in preparation for Oathbringer(and assiduously avoiding the chapters as they come out... it's hard, though...), as well as the Way of Kings Prime snippets. I just re-read the duel between Adolin and the four shardbearers, in which he doesn't have his dead mothers "lucky" necklace. 

It always just seemed a good luck charm, and that's probably what it is. But... in Way of Kings Prime, Merin(Kaladin) had a strange glyphward necklace stuck in his gauntlet, that gave him increased fighting ability. I'm wondering if it's possible that that is related to Adolin's necklace. Rather, I'm pretty sure it HAS to be, it's too similar. I'm wondering HOW it's related. Is it simply a tribute? Or, perhaps, is it a remnant kept over, that in fact DOES help Adolin when he's fighting? (Not to diminish him at all, he's pretty stormblasted amazing without it.)

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This is a good thing to bring up. I had kind of forgotten about the lost/missing necklace. It would be interesting if his mother had left him some sort of powerful gift. I think the effects might have changed between Prime and this rewrite but there might be something to it. Good spotting! Have an up arrow!

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It's been asked and answered already: it's not important.



Interview: Mar 20th, 2014


Is there any significance to Adolin's mother's chain being missing?

Brandon Sanderson

Only to him.


I think the missing necklace was a sort of foreshadowing, meant to increase the tension before the duel
Edited by king of nowhere
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I've been wondering about that too (although I haven't read any of the WoK prime stuff so I didn't know it was in the earlier version). I thought it had to be important somehow since otherwise the scene where Adolin forgets/loses it before the duel is kind of pointless (unless it was only there to be foreshadowing that things were about to go wrong).  After that, however, it's never brought up again. That might not mean anything, but if it were important somehow I would think it'd be at least mentioned in passing. 

I hope it is somehow important though.  

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