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Horizontal Scroll Bar


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This is going to be a really moronic thing. I am not above being called a moron when the time requires it.

Today I decided to center the wiki, for various reasons, but mostly to increase consistency with the main forums and the Mistborn RP (all of which have fixed width layouts). Okay? Cool.

Well I got the wiki to center. For some unfathomable reason, this has summoned a horizontal scroll bar on my screen, but only if my screen is maximized.

So, I'm asking tech support. On my own site. When you go to the wiki, is there a horizontal scroll bar?

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If there's a big ol' picture someone on it, sometimes.

That was... not immensely helpful for my immediate purpose. Just go to the main page of the wiki. Is there a horizontal scroll bar, yes or no?

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Thanks Andrea.

I've heard the first report of the scrollbar as well. It only appears after a extremely large window size (1480px, apparently) so that could be why most users aren't seeing it.

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I misunderstood your question, I thought you meant do I see a scroll bar on a wiki, any wiki. I thought you were looking for a general tendency, rather than a specific inquiry. Also, downvoting is not nice.

And, no, I do not see a scroll bar.

Edited by Silus - Shard of Flame
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I misunderstood your question, I thought you meant do I see a scroll bar on a wiki, any wiki. I thought you were looking for a general tendency, rather than a specific inquiry. Also, downvoting is not nice.

And, no, I do not see a scroll bar.

I didn't downvote you, don't get angry at me. However, given this is in the Coppermind forum, and my post was focused on what I had been doing for the wiki, I thought it was pretty obvious what I was referring to. So honestly, I can't get mad at the people who had downvoted you. Sorry.

In any case, I found the bizarro element which was causing the problem. Thanks guys.

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