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Stormlight MMO


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As an avid MMO enthusiast, I can't but imagine Stormlight as an awesome MMO.

Although, with the greater connections to the Cosmere, I doubt an MMO, or even a standard video game, could ever be adapted. 

It would still be cool though. Characters classed would be the different Knights Radiant orders, starting off as 'squires' or pre-bonded individuals. I'm not sure how the mechanics would work, but it would still be pretty cool.

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I like the idea of it being more of an MMO like Chonicles of Elyria, 

Most players wouldn't get to play as Squires or KR orders, but it would be something that you would have to earn. It would develop into something more where being a KR matters, instead of just something that everyone is.

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Maybe you could make it sort of like game of thrones ascent, where you start off as a farmer/city dweller/normal civilian/royalty. Then choose your previous job was then starting stats, kinda like fallout, afterwards random situations happen and based on your responses you can bond a spren, become a soldier, general, ardent, or something. Then there can be desolations where you either fight as a soldier, Radiant, or medic. something like that would be legit.

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Due to the complex nature of the Cosmere and Stormlight Archive, it would be quite difficult to do many styles of game without compromise (i.e. Strategy without compromising on unit abilities as that would become too complex with things blowing up, people flying, other people setting everything on fire etc) It would be too chaotic in my opinion to control. What I think could excel is a 3rd person style, assassins creed-ish style game. Something that allows you the freedom to go off where you want, but heavily relies and focuses on the story (which is what stormlight is all about). I feel that would work quite well, if you had different paths for each of the radiant factions, different campaigns but all following the same route. Perhaps even the same situations but in the different orders eyes, letting us understand them better too! And a secret unlockable mission where you can become a voidbringer and go delightfully evil for a small period.... Not only would it be fun, it would have enourmous replay value through wanting to play it again and again as different factions with new and exciting abilities and different agendas.

That feels more plausible than the mmo to me as the mmo will encounter similar problems to strategy, with too much going on. You'd either have to massively scale down numbers/reduce ability power/input restrictions that take away some of the epicness. Although I would love it too as an mmo fan, I can't see it happening. Although now I think it through a Destiny style game with so many different abilities and everyone bouncing around destroying stuff just sounds so epic. I must think on this further.. 

Edited by Velvet Thunder
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Would be cool. Although if any book in the Cosmere has the potential to stand up in the theatrical world of online gaming, I would put my spheres on Mistborn. The mechanics involved seem a little tighter than those of SA. For the moment at least.

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