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Ideas on Shadesmar and ruin's power



So I had some Thoughts about Shadesmar. I'm not sure whether any of this is disproved or not. yeah.

1. If an Atium misting or mystborn was able to get to shadesmar could he use the beads from the seas to be used as atium or are they souls. I know that harmony has ruins power and as far as i could tell he didn't have anything to do with the making of the roshar system and it only makes sense if when ruin died the time before sazed clamed the power some of it leaked into shadesmar.  The ocean and atium is described like beads so that's where that came from. 

2. does every shard have a spren or only Honor, Odium, and cultivation. if the other shards had spren could they control them or if they bonded with a radiant (let's say harmony assuming he'd have two and this was ruin's power's spren) could harmony communicate with the person like as if he was stabbed with a spike. 

3. Could you use a shard blade as a hemalergic spike like if you stabbed two people at once the first having powers would the second person have that power. assuming that the blade didn't hit him it the eyes or spine and if you removed the shard blade would it still have the powers of the person it killed. Like if it turned back into a spren then back to a weapon you stab someone else could they have the powers still. or even stranger yet when the blade turns back to spren would the spren change. could it use the powers of whoever it killed. I don't think I've seen what happens to a radiant when it kills another so it could get messy. it would make an interesting story ark. it would look like, I have killed at least one of every order of radiant. I poses every power. I am the new Honor



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3 answers to this question

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1. The beads only appear on Roshar. The Cognitive Realm of Scadrial exists as mists. 

An atium misting needs atium... 

2.spren are sentient splinters of a shards power as they manifest on Roshar. To make spren, the Shard would most likely have to go to Roshar. 

Seons and Skaze are similar, so it's possible to make sentient splinters elsewhere, but "Spren" are a product of Roshar. 



My friend and I asked him something like this at a book signing, but for some reason it never seemed to make it onto 17th Shard. We asked if a shardblade or Nightblood could be used as a hemallurgic spike (ie: two different investitures of magic). Brandon said that yes, in theory you could do that, but objects have a limit to how much investiture they can hold, and that it could be argued that things like Nightblood and Shardblades are already "full."


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Regard the third point ( @Calderis already covered perfectly the first two)

Also if you could use a Shardblade as Spike (something hard for its level of Investiture) your trick will still not work.

The Stolen Spirit Web is actually keeped in the Spike costricted by the Metallic arts' rule without the Spike (your case with the Shardblade dismiss but also if you Soulcast a Spike in...wood for example) the Spirit Web would be simply lost. It will not remain in the reciver

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