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Should I read Warbreaker or Edgedancer first?


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So I'm a new reader to Sanderson's books and I've just finished Words of Radiance. And, I know, I should have read Warbreaker before WoR but come on! How could I possibly not read the book after that avalanche of an ending in TWoK. 

So now I'm ready for some more Stormlight Archive related books to get ready for Oathbringer and, like I said, I'm wondering if I should read Warbreaker or Edgedancer first. Maybe it doesn't matter at this point but I just want to know if I should wait a few days to get Warbreaker or just start Edgedancer right now (I already have it).

And because I'm new here, Hello!

Edited by mhoey8
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Even though reading Warbreaker before WoR is ideal, it might be smart to pick up Warbreaker now, while WoR is still fresh on your mind, so you can see the connective tissue.

Also, there are very minor points in Edgedancer that will be more interesting to you if you know what went on in Warbreaker. 

Either way, I'd say definitely try to read both before Oathbringer arrives.

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40 minutes ago, egagwes said:

Also new here, just wondering if Edgedancer is on Kindle?

It is! https://www.amazon.com/Edgedancer-Stormlight-Archive-Brandon-Sanderson-ebook/dp/B06XRHRHPH Though you might want to buy whole Arcanum Unbounded instead.

As for the original question I would go for Edgedancer, it's on the same planet, so you won't have to switch mindsets and it's significantly shorter.

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