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Interaction with the Cognitive Realm


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So I apologize if this theory has been supported somewhere else but I wanted to get some feedback on this theory I have been having. 


To start let us remember that Lift can touch and interact with her spren and that she is partially within the cognitive realm, something that was said to be impossible. 


Secondly Rock and his people have the power to see spren even though they (spren) do not want to be seen. 


I propose that Rock would be able to touch a spren were he not so reverent to them. 


I do not think Lift is a decedent of the same race as Rock, but I do suggest that there is a way to make one susceptible to the cognitive realm via shard.


Ruin and Preservation created the people in the mist born books, but preservation gave up a piece of himself to give humanity just a tad more preservation than ruin.


What if Cultivation can do the same, but on a much more immediate scale. This is assuming that the races on Roshar were created by the three gods cultivation, odium, and honor. I propose that when lift came to the night watcher she was changed to have representation in the cognitive realm and Rock and his people were given this a long time ago.


Speculation, Go.


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I agree that Rock's ability stems from a greater sensitivity to the cognitive realm, but I don't think he can touch spren. Rock's ability is uncommon, but seems to be easily recognized (and named) among his people. Wyndle's protestations about what should be possible suggest that Lift's abilities are in a different class.

Though the (probably heritable) Horneater ability to see spren may well have come from Cultivation, I get the impression so far that the Nightwatcher's boon/curse system applies to a single individual and would not go on to become an inherited trait. (That could be a serious problem if Dalinar's descendents started forgetting their wives all the time :lol: )

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I like this line of thought,  I agree that Rock and perhaps the Horneaters in general are "closer"  to the Cognitive realm.


I think we can pick up clues all over that the further the different cultures are from Alethi and Vorinism they seem to have a closer connection to the spiritual or cognitive realms.  Or at least a different lie or misunderstanding of it :)

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How do we know rock can't touch Spren? He is just so reverent around them he doesn't dare try and touch them. And it may not be a boon or curse, just simply a scar from where cultivation touched their spiritweb. I think it's an indirect affect and it may not be so present to everyone. I acknowledge that Dalinar can't see the Spren such as syl, but perhaps that is because cultivation just purposely made it this way. I'm sure a god can do that...

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I agree that Rock's ability stems from a greater sensitivity to the cognitive realm, but I don't think he can touch spren. Rock's ability is uncommon, but seems to be easily recognized (and named) among his people. Wyndle's protestations about what should be possible suggest that Lift's abilities are in a different class.

Though the (probably heritable) Horneater ability to see spren may well have come from Cultivation, I get the impression so far that the Nightwatcher's boon/curse system applies to a single individual and would not go on to become an inherited trait. (That could be a serious problem if Dalinar's descendents started forgetting their wives all the time :lol: )

Yeah, I think that would count against his lineage in the grand scheme of natural selection. Though Adolin & Renarin should be alright.
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