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I saw this - it's very well-done! Lots of functionality, although I'll admit I don't fully see why the coins are on the end of the clear pieces for the swinging. It almost looks like they move with the coins, instead of moving away from them. It's also a really cool touch having anything Pushable or Pullable be gold.

But didn't Lego recently revise their policy for intellectual properties when it came to Ideas? Or was that just for lines they already had the licenses for?


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Thanks for the feedback! I may need to rework the coins on the bars a bit. It was meant to give them some way to swing, and perhaps use them to knock over other characters. I may try to make a YouTube video showing how the play features actually work. 

I think you're right, the IP policy change was for licenses they already own. As far as I know, we can still submit ideas on projects that that don't have any conflicts. Perhaps the movie rights may change that... but we'll see. 

Fun all the same. :)

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4 hours ago, Firerust said:

These are so cool! This needs to be a thing! Why doesn't this have more upvotes or notices?

Ha ha, Thanks! I hear you. Anything you can do to share this with others to gain more supporters would be much appreciated. I'm sure there are lots of Mistborn fans out there that would enjoy something like this. 

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@MattedBricks Seems to have been too humble and respectful to come right out and solicit people to click on the link and officially register their support, so I guess I'll do it on their behalf:

The project might require some further polishing, but I think it has reached an admirable level of quality.  If you agree, it would be mighty decent of you to take a few moments to help support a fellow sharder in their endeavor.

Just a thought, you might try getting this on /r/books to reach a bigger audience.

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That would sort of undermine the spirit of the project, which is to prove to Lego senior management that it is worthy of investment by virtue of its public support...but I can't fault you for thinking like a sharder and trying to find a way to hack the system like Hoid. Lol.

Ps. @Prism , double posting is generally considered rude. You should edit your last post rather than make a new one. It helps keep the forums neat and clean.

Edited by hwiles
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Thanks for the comments and thoughts. I guess I naively thought that there were enough Mistborn / Cosmere fans out there that are also Lego fans, that once it hit the streets, I wouldn't have a problem gaining enough supporters to keep it going. I know it's only just launched, but I need to make sure to reach at least 100 supporters in the first 60 days to keep going. I'm more than half way there. I guess I need to get it in front of more sharders.  I've posted it here, on Reddit, Flickr, etc. but it doesn't seem to have caught on quite yet... 

I'd be great if I could get it on Mistborn Monday or some official social media source to really get things going... Not sure how to make that happen. Thoughts? 

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