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Is Ambition actually dead?

Crucible of Shards


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4 minutes ago, Crucible of Shards said:

The posts I was thinking about were in fact discussing the red mist and the identity of Trell. I hadn't considered Ambition being reformed, so thank you for bringing that possibility to my attention!

Yeah, I suspected that that idea might have been floating around again. You can actually go and debunk that line of reasoning if you want to: the metal that Bleeder used was from a Shard we knew in 2015, before we learned about Ambition in Arcanum Unbounded at the end of last year. (Of the Shards we know, that only excludes Ambition; it's the one Shard we have learned about since that WoB.) So, even though I mentioned it, I say it's not actually a valid possibility for Ambition to be Trell, barring some complicated mental gymnastics.

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Where are they talking about this? Khriss does indeed state in AU that Ambition is dead, and I don't recall having seen anything official to the contrary.

Now, that doesn't mean the Shard's influence is totally gone. It does impact Threnody in a major way, still. It's possible the Vessel's Cognitive Shadow escaped Odium, so the old Shardholder could still be around somewhere. And a Splintered Shard could be put back together, so we might see Ambition, reassembled with a new Vessel, play a role in the future (or even right now in Mistborn). I think those sorts of scenarios are unlikely, but I guess without knowing what arguments are being made, I can't issue a blanket condemnation of those lines of thought.

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4 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

So, even though I mentioned it, I say it's not actually a valid possibility for Ambition to be Trell, barring some complicated mental gymnastics.

Trell being an unknown shard while the metal still being from a shard we were aware of that Trell gave to Bleeder is a speculation I've seen before. Basically, I don't think there's anything official which states that the metal Bleeder was using was of Trell.

Edited by Spoolofwhool
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