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Few questions



1. Wer'e there atium mistings (Demoux, Yomen) or were there misltings of one of then unknowns metals ( maybe with possiblity for misltings to burn any god metal)?

2. Is Demoux still Kelsier Church believer in Stormlight Archive?

3. Do Ten Essences have relation to hemallurgy?

4. Could Elantrians use landscape of planet instead of their region for more powerful / universal effect?

5. Did Hoid in The Way of Kings as Wit use zinc or brass allomancy to to don't get killed ?

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1) They were actual atium mistings. Because it was a signal (16%), Preservation was only keying in those metals that people knew as he snapped people.

2) We don't know. I, personally, think it's likely; he already knew Kelsier personally, so I don't think being able to interact with him later would cause his faith to waver.

3) The Ten Essences are a Rosharan philosophical concept. I guess it's possible that they are derived somehow from the interactions of your physical body with your spiritweb, or sDNA; I don't think anyone's ever thought about that before. It wouldn't be a direct connection, but they might build from the same Realmatics. Excellent question.

4) Doubtful. The magics of Sel are tied to the physical regions where they occur. If they could somehow be tied to the planet as a whole to produce the effect you describe, then why would they be restricted to regions in the first place?

5) I think Hoid can take care of himself, with or without emotional allomancy. He'd probably get a kick out of someone killing him, losing their status, and then he'd just show up and become his own replacement, claiming to be his own twin brother or some such nonsense. He did use some Allomancy in one of the WoR flashbacks, however, so it's definitely a possibility.

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