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Twinborn interactions


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Hello everyone so i was asking myself about the different effects of metals.

I was wondering if any of you could  post your ideas of  interactions between allomantic and feruchemic metals (it could be between two allomantic or feruchemic metals)

Here's my personal list (most of it comes from what I've read so it's not from me):

A pewter+F iron: more strenght?

F iron+ A iron/steel: more controled pushes/pulles

F steel+ F brass: friction isn't as much a problem

A brass/zinc+ F duralumin: better understanding of the person so more subtle emotion controlling

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A steel + F steel = Extreme speed compounding, combined with pushing at something behind you would basically make one the Flash

A nicrosil + F nicrosil = I don't know if it would work, but I always thought that if you stored up some nicrosil storing in your nicrosil until you can't fill it anymore since you are storing your storing ability (yeah, weird) and then burn it, your nicrosil storing ability would be stronger AND the allomancer you are bursting would be even more bursted by the extra Investiture the compounding gave

A electrum + F electrum = You store some determination, burned the metalmind, releasing determination (plus some adrenaline with that) and the ability to see your own future. A perfect combat ability.

That is all I can think of right now. Yeah, most compounding twinborns are pretty cool

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