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Jasnah's notes


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Not sure if this should be here or in Cosmere since it was Nazh who salvaged them.

Jasnah instructed Shallan to take notes on her spren. "It will likely be your first writing of significance". So then, by that logic, Jasnah took meticulous notes and observations of her spren, Ivory. Maybe that can be a WoB qustion - Did Nazh save Jasnahs writings in a way they can be read by her ward? I suspect this is currently intended to be the Jasnah flashbacks in her book (# IV or V). I'm betting BS will work the answer in another way though. Probably through Jasnah explanations, though there may be a Roshar equivalent of Secret Histories.

So my question is: where do you think the notes will surface?

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3 minutes ago, stickstickstick said:

I suspect this is currently intended to be the Jasnah flashbacks in her book (# IV or V).

Jasnah will have flashbacks in the back five (books 6-10). IV and V are Szeth and Eshonai, though we don't know which is which.

If Nazh did retrieve them, I find it unlikely the characters will get them back.

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Yeah, I think the notes with for sure resurface. They're a perfect way to introduce Jasnah's path in becoming bonded with Ivory, as well as creates an opening for Nazh and Khriss to make appearances in the back half.  

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