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Drabs=Non Nalthian?


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Like our wise Vodius said, an human from another Shardworld would have an amount of Investiture in his soul between a Drab and a regular 1Breath Nalthian guy.

For example we have some Wobs that say something like "an Human with a part of his Soul removed, would mostly dies but if he manage to survive He will be a Drab-like's being" (I removed the reference to others books' facts to avoid the spoiler tag).

If an no Nalthis Human with a piece of his soul's ripped out is something like a Drab, before the ripping he was much more than a Drab

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There's a WoB that non-Nalthians are not drabs.



In the last panel we talked a lot about people from different planets using magic systems on other planets, one of the things I’ve been thinking about, we’ve been thinking about, talking about Breath, and people being born with Breath, is that something specific to Nalthis or do people on other planets have Breaths as well?


Good question and that is a Nalthian thing. Now, everyone in the Cosmere to an extent has Investiture, the Nalthian Breath is part of what everyone has and then a little extra, plus the ability to share it around. So a person who gives up their Breath on Nalthis is actually going below what a normal person has. But a normal person on Nalthis has more than somebody - so if you were for instance to pick a world like Sixth of the Dusk, where there’s not a Shard in residence, and you compared them to a Nalthian, Nalthian has an Investiture advantage over them. When they’ve given up their Breath, they have an Investiture disadvantage.


So we’re not Drabs?


So we’re not Drabs. That’s exactly it. We’re not Drabs.


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  • 1 year later...

Bit of a stretch, but what if having breaths gives you the ability to sense investiture? This would explain why Azure (blanking on her name) could sense people, but not Drabs. Someone should ask Brandon. Another line of questions along this line would be

Can people with more breath sense people with normal amounts of investiture (e.i. people from, say, Scadrial), or just people with that extra oomph unique to Nalthains?

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42 minutes ago, Books_Before_Death said:

Bit of a stretch, but what if having breaths gives you the ability to sense investiture? This would explain why Azure (blanking on her name) could sense people, but not Drabs. Someone should ask Brandon. Another line of questions along this line would be

Can people with more breath sense people with normal amounts of investiture (e.i. people from, say, Scadrial), or just people with that extra oomph unique to Nalthains?

That's lifesense. The more breath, the stronger. At one point in the book, with the level of breath that he's attained, Vasher is able to sense the individual blades of grass around him. 

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