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Sanderson elimination


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So Sanderson Elimination is very much like that. It works in Day and Night cycles, where during the Night, the Elims kill someone, and during the Day, the Villagers lynch whomever they think did it. There are special roles too, similar to the Doctor and Detective, but there are more. They are called different things depending on the game, but some can switch votes around or kill and extra person. 

To join, you simply have to find a game that hasn't started yet and sign up.

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One should be starting within the next week or so.  It's an LG, which I personally find one of the best for starting out with.  That's just a personal preference, though.  If you want more information, you should ask in this thread;

Please do join us.  We're always looking for fresh meat players! :D 


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On 1/13/2017 at 4:59 PM, Shqueeves said:

How exactly do I sign up? 

On 1/13/2017 at 5:03 PM, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Literally just post "I want to sign up as ______." Also, there aren't currently any open for sign ups but there will be soon I think. 

Actually, Sheep's game is open for signups right now. The signup thread is here. A warning: it's a nontraditional mafia game, so make sure to read the rules thoroughly.

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