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Another Shardplate Theory


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I'm not going into any great detail here... Just wanted to throw out the idea.

One of the most popular theories for Shardplate is that it's a product of the "cousin" spren of each Order. (see windspren seeming to surround/defend Kaladin when he fights Szeth) The biggest holes with this theory are (1) why did they "die" or "freeze" in a similar way that the nahel spren did and (2) why do they need to be charged with gems/Stormlight?

Shardplate seems to be more like a fabrial than anything else--a manmade device that uses trapped spren and runs on Stormlight. But they certainly seem to be MORE than a mere fabrial. Especially from the way they seemed more "alive" in Dalinar's flashbacks.

So what if we mashup these two ideas together? What if Shardplate is a fabrial where the spren are more like a partner than a prisoner? Perhaps rather than capturing spren to make fabrials, the Radiants just sort of naturally attracted these spren into a symbiotic relationship of sorts. Not terribly different from the way spren interact with creatures on Roshar, when you think about it. And the result, when you have spren who are "willingly" working with you, is something more powerful and alive.

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Do you imply, by this theory, that "dead" Shardplate could be revived to their former state is someone was capable of summoning the requires spren? If you are right, does it mean it would, theoretically, be possible for a non-Radiant to attract enough sprens to revive his/her Shardplate? Possible, but nearly impossible as only invested individuals are able to draw in so many sprens?

Also if Shardplate is a fabrial, it means they were fabricated. It also means someone like Kaladin won't pluck a Shardplate out of thin air: he'll have to revive an existing one and in order to equip all of the new Radiants, our heroes will have to figure out how to build more. 

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I always thought that the Shardplate was just just a doubled manifestation of nahel spren, like Syl being both plate and sword at the same time. Its a long shot comparison, but she appears as whirling leafs once, as in multiple leaves. So it could stand to reason that it's possible for her to become both plate and blade, splitting her essence. 

But I do like this theory, because if its true, its going to lead to a lot of cool encounters between Kaladin and other spren. 

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The problem with the Shardplate-Fabrial theory is: Why only the Radiants have those armor if it's possible to craft them "at will" ?

12 hours ago, KereDerek said:

I always thought that the Shardplate was just just a doubled manifestation of nahel spren, like Syl being both plate and sword at the same time. Its a long shot comparison, but she appears as whirling leafs once, as in multiple leaves. So it could stand to reason that it's possible for her to become both plate and blade, splitting her essence. 

The Double Manifestation of a Radiant spren, is something impossible from WoB (for example you could not make a shardbow&shardarrow). Much more if the Plate is made of a dead radiant spren..why did the Plate not give any bad feedback to the Radiant ?

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1 hour ago, Yata said:

The problem with the Shardplate-Fabrial theory is: Why only the Radiants have those armor if it's possible to craft them "at will" ?

One reason could be fabricating such a fabrial must be difficult, time consuming and expensive which would make them rare and priceless. It might have been only Radiant had enough status, power and money to afford a Shardplate. It could be they weren't made to be available for the "other people" and it might have been "other people" were told they wouldn't work on "normal people". Or perhaps they knew it would work, but the fabrials were made by the Radiants followers for the Radiants and other people just didn't have access to them.

My point of view tends to lean towards the Radiants not having been such great paragon of virtue as we initially thought them to be. All had terrible background, many were taken out of deep poverty with the lasting issued it tends to create: there likely was a great deal of racism, prejudice and narrow-mindedness among the Radiants. In times of war, they could work together to eradicate a common thread, but outside of it: it might be they weren't so glorious. So yes it might be they selfishly kept the knowledge of how to fabricate Shardplate to themselves and refused to share it. Had they, then modern day artifabricians would have retained the knowledge.

Just a thought.

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2 hours ago, Yata said:

The problem with the Shardplate-Fabrial theory is: Why only the Radiants have those armor if it's possible to craft them "at will" ?

The Double Manifestation of a Radiant spren, is something impossible from WoB (for example you could not make a shardbow&shardarrow). Much more if the Plate is made of a dead radiant spren..why the Plate didn't give any bad feedback to the Radiant

Ahh, thanks for the heads up. 

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I have my own theory on it that I'll post later when I have time and all the points together. Basically though, I believe shard plate is a bonded Larkin. Bonded Spren become weapons and give the ability to draw in Stormlight, and a bonded Larkin becomes armor that makes use of that Stormlight. I'd say Rysn has already bonded her Larkin, but since she has no bonded Spren and therefore no access to Stormlight to properly completely the chain, it is just a Larkin and will remain so for now. I'd say Rysn will be the first to become radiant and to get her shardplate. As we saw Kaladin's big scene of getting Syl to become his sword, we will see a similar scene with Rysn becoming an armored radiant. That's my prediction anyway. But I'll start a thread later with more details so hopefully one day I can say, "See!! I knew it."

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On 1/12/2017 at 0:59 PM, jofwu said:

I'm not going into any great detail here... Just wanted to throw out the idea.

One of the most popular theories for Shardplate is that it's a product of the "cousin" spren of each Order. (see windspren seeming to surround/defend Kaladin when he fights Szeth) The biggest holes with this theory are (1) why did they "die" or "freeze" in a similar way that the nahel spren did and (2) why do they need to be charged with gems/Stormlight?

Shardplate seems to be more like a fabrial than anything else--a manmade device that uses trapped spren and runs on Stormlight. But they certainly seem to be MORE than a mere fabrial. Especially from the way they seemed more "alive" in Dalinar's flashbacks.

So what if we mashup these two ideas together? What if Shardplate is a fabrial where the spren are more like a partner than a prisoner? Perhaps rather than capturing spren to make fabrials, the Radiants just sort of naturally attracted these spren into a symbiotic relationship of sorts. Not terribly different from the way spren interact with creatures on Roshar, when you think about it. And the result, when you have spren who are "willingly" working with you, is something more powerful and alive.

I agree with you. I've suspected that Shardplate is a natural, semi-alive sort of fabrial that operates somewhere in between how artifabrians imprison spren and greatshells (and Listeners) form symbiotic relationships with them.The descriptions of shardplate in action struck me as very organic, almost like the wearer is piloting a living mech.  

Modern shardplate requires stormlight-infused gems to come "alive" or regrow lost or damaged parts, but perhaps the Radiants had a more natural and effective means of powering their plate. Regarding the Radiant's helmets -- don't the individual elements of modern shardplate shatter and disappear when they are sufficiently damaged? Maybe the Radiants could simply destroy/regenerate portions of their plate at will.

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