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I have decided to make an account here because Way of Kings is the best book I've ever read. My friend pushed me to read it and I have to admit, I was a bit reluctant at first. However after reading the first couple of Kaladin chapters/his struggles with bridge 4, I blew the the rest of the book very quickly. Since then I've read Words of Radiance, Elantris, and The Final Empire/Well of Ascension. I am currently reading The Hero of Ages, and am beyond hyped for the release of Oathbringer.

Stormlight is king, but Mistborn is proving to be quite extraordinary as well :)

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36 minutes ago, Lordship said:

I have decided to make an account here because Way of Kings is the best book I've ever read. My friend pushed me to read it and I have to admit, I was a bit reluctant at first. However after reading the first couple of Kaladin chapters/his struggles with bridge 4, I blew the the rest of the book very quickly. Since then I've read Words of Radiance, Elantris, and The Final Empire/Well of Ascension. I am currently reading The Hero of Ages, and am beyond hyped for the release of Oathbringer.

Stormlight is king, but Mistborn is proving to be quite extraordinary as well :)

Hey Lordship! Welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote.
I'm KnightRadiant, or KR. I echo Shqueeves warning about the cookies. Just don't eat them and we can live in Harmony. (Cookie related Shard puns are a must when welcoming a new member :P).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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1 minute ago, KnightRadiant said:

Hey Lordship! Welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote.
I'm KnightRadiant, or KR. I echo Shqueeves warning about the cookies. Just don't eat them and we can live in Harmony. (Cookie related Shard puns are a must when welcoming a new member :P).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


I have an infinite amount of questions regarding the universe. I have little to no understanding of how this Hoid character appears in multiple books. I don't understand the history of the universe (though I know vaguely from conversations with my friends about the splitting of the shards, though I do not not what caused this)

If you can give me a brief rundown of the history of the universe (without spoilers, of course ;)) I'd be eternally grateful. Or point me to where I can read up on it!

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1 minute ago, Lordship said:

I have an infinite amount of questions regarding the universe. I have little to no understanding of how this Hoid character appears in multiple books. I don't understand the history of the universe (though I know vaguely from conversations with my friends about the splitting of the shards, though I do not not what caused this)

If you can give me a brief rundown of the history of the universe (without spoilers, of course ;)) I'd be eternally grateful. Or point me to where I can read up on it!

Sure thing!! I think you're referring to the cosmere, so here's a link to a thread all about it :). It has spoilers, but only for the ones you've read, I think. 


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Since you've read the Stormlight Archive, you know about Shadesmar and the Cognitive Realm. Hoid can jump worlds by going through Shadesmar, because the vast space between planets is skipped. He then can reach the Physical Realm through perpendicularities. That's pretty much what I can tell you without getting too in depth and into spoilers.

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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