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Returned Werewolves and Other Oddities

Faceless Mist-Wraith

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The Divine Breath can be hid. Essentially, you have to view yourself NOT as a god at all, using a very specific bit of mental gymnastics. As a Returned, your body changes based on how you see yourself. (This, by the way, is an indication that Lightsong was more pleased with himself than he ever let on.)

Can a Returned use this to change themselves into something inhuman? For example a werewolf or wolf-human hybrid?

Follow-up Question: if a Returned can change themselves into something other than a person, is there a mass limitation?

Somewhat Related Follow-up Question: If a Returned goes mad, how does their appearance change, if at all? Does their form become fluid or does some portion of the mind continue to keep a solid self-image?


Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
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I don't think you could - I guess you'd have to have a mind of a wolf. Simply believing you are a wolf probably is not enough. Also, that shapeshifting is subconscious - it's about how you view yourself.

IIRC Returned cannot go mad. I believe it was Llalimar who stated that you can't go mad at Fifth Heightening.

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@Oversleep already exposed an great point but if you want to see it in the Realmatic Theory's rules...Your Spiritual Aspect place a great limit to what you can do and how much your Cognitive Self could go far from your "standard self". Your Soul "knows" you are Human and if you become something else (for example a werewolf) It pushes you back to the normal...You would need Investiture to counter this Soul's push. So probably you (in theory) may turn into a werewolf with the right mindset (again in theory, in practice you will probably never go far from your true self....expecially for a Returned who are less likely to change) but you have to expend Investiture constantly to keep that form

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