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Is War Inevitable?


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At the moment i have just finished my second reread of WoK and one line started me thinking, i do not have the exact quote but it is a quote by dalinar in the first chapter after interlude two. To paraphrase it says that if there were a war between alethkar and vedenar, it would be so big and destructive, it would probably out shine the higherachy war where the ardentia tried to take control. To me this seems like overshadowing as it would cause lots of drama, and would serve odium.


I have to go so i cant add more, but what do you guys think


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Depends on whether or not Dalinar has a strong enough hold over Elhokar and whether or not he has gone full Bondsmith. I think it could happen, but it would be more like Dalinar and co. trying to stop the war and either uniting the two or a huge war where Odium would make an appearance. It would be epic either way.

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9 hours ago, Harry the Heir said:

Jah Keved's new king doesn't seem to want to be united with Dalinar so much.


Chaos in Alethkar is, of course, inevitable. Watch carefully, and do not let power in the kingdom solidify. The Blackthorn could become an ally or our greatest foe, depending on whether he takes the path of the warlord or not. If he seems likely to sue for peace, assassinate him expeditiously. The risk of competition is too great.

—Writings upon the Bedstand Lamp, Paragraph 4[17]

Granted, your statement is not wrong. But Taravangian could have united with Dalinar, so it isn't that he didn't want to, but that the plan says that he can't because of Dalinar's actions.

For the purpose of the thread, this means that at one point, War was not inevitable.

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2 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

Granted, your statement is not wrong. But Taravangian could have united with Dalinar, so it isn't that he didn't want to, but that the plan says that he can't because of Dalinar's actions.

Yeah, I wouldn't use the term 'inevitable', and neither side looks particularly eager to launch a major war right this second. But it seems pretty likely to feature in the first five books.

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I think it also depends on how much is left of each place after the Everstorm. Both tried to do something about their parshmen (or at least sent messages about it) but I feel like there is still going to be a lot of damage and fighting within their own kingdom and this is after a lot of loss and fighting has already occurred.

I do agree that Dalinar and Taravangian are going to be opposing forces but I'm not sure I can see war on the horizon yet.

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