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Trading Card Games


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So, the thread in the Creator Corner (and the fact I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged) got me wondering about these kinds of games. I'm kind of curious to know if there are many players of them here?

Personally... I can't say I have much (any) experience of TCG's. When I was a lot younger during the 90's anime boom, I picked up some Pokemon, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards, but I was a dumb kid, so I didn't exactly put a deck or anything together, or play by the rules.

I did pick up some Magic:The Gathering during my teen years, but... again, I was dumb. More than that, however, was the fact that I didn't really have anyone to play games with. None of my friends were interested in TCG's, and my brother wasn't exactly a fan either, so... Magic never really became a "thing" for me, though I know it still runs.

Lately, I've been trying to learn the ruels for the Legend of the Five Rings RPG, which means I know that it started as  aTCG, but again, no details. I've also heard about something called Wiess Schwarz which seems to be some kind of conflux anime game...? Again, not sure on anything beyond existance though.

So... yeah. Random question of curiosity, I guess: any big time TCG players here?

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i was quite into yugioh made a lot of decks went to a couple of tournaments,I still play with my brother from time to time 

I've made like two Pokémon decks that weren't that great 

even though I've studied the rules of magic I never got into it 

In The past two years I got really into hearthstone which I would recommend if rou want something that is easy to get into (not as much as last year but still) and it has been a ton of fun playing with some of the guys in my university and coming up with weird deck ideas

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I play Magic casually, and I love it. I also used to play Hearthstone, and while I can see why some people would like it, it doesn't really appeal to me because it's not as in-depth and expansive as Magic is. (In Hearthstone, there are always certain decks that are the "top of the meta", and you have to play one of them if you want to be really good at it. Meanwhile, there are way more combinations in Magic, and you don't need to own specific decks to do well unless you play "professionally". And even then, you don't have to be part of the meta to win).

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