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The Weather Outside is Frightful, and the God-King is so Delightful!

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Hello and welcome to the most pointless post you will probably ever read on 17th Shard!

I was just enjoying the warmth of my apartment while the snow blasted outside making the landscape a winter wonderland from out of the songs. As I was musing on the various aspects of the first Elsric Short story that I am writing, an odd thought struck me. Susebron from Warbreaker is one of the characters I find most dear to me. Unlike most of my other favorite Cosmere characters I simply enjoy the fact that his is pure and devoted to doing what is right because that is his nature. I mean the man has the mentality of a teddy-bear who also happens to hold enough Breath to break a kingdom. 

As I was contemplating, I suddenly asked myself, "What if the God-King was to step outside in the middle of a snowstorm? Not only is the ground solid white, but each flake of snow suspended in the air is about as pure white as you can find in nature. By Hoid's left buttock! It would be like watching an atomic color bomb!" Now that is a paraphrase, but essentially such an event would be one of the most interesting things to observe in the Cosmere. I added to this post a couple attachments that I think help capture what such an event might look like. 

I hope you enjoy this little mental image! This post is utterly useless other than to wish you a Happy Holiday my fellow Cosmere Scholar. If you find any other conceptualization of what a God-King color apocalypse would look like please post them below for our amusement! Until the next random post, have a great end to the year!




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Could the lord ruler create snowstorms from simple snowfalls by pulling and pushing on the minerals in the snow flakes ? 

 >                And if (yes) , how much more hectic would the colors be if the god king was by his side?

              >                     And if (a lot ) what is the possibility that someone would get seizures by standing near them?


P.S. I have no reason why I made my reply structured like an algorithm branch. Just an other random thing in this random post 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/18/2016 at 11:27 PM, TheBlueShifting said:

Hello and welcome to the most pointless post you will probably ever read on 17th Shard!

I was just enjoying the warmth of my apartment while the snow blasted outside making the landscape a winter wonderland from out of the songs. As I was musing on the various aspects of the first Elsric Short story that I am writing, an odd thought struck me. Susebron from Warbreaker is one of the characters I find most dear to me. Unlike most of my other favorite Cosmere characters I simply enjoy the fact that his is pure and devoted to doing what is right because that is his nature. I mean the man has the mentality of a teddy-bear who also happens to hold enough Breath to break a kingdom. 

As I was contemplating, I suddenly asked myself, "What if the God-King was to step outside in the middle of a snowstorm? Not only is the ground solid white, but each flake of snow suspended in the air is about as pure white as you can find in nature. By Hoid's left buttock! It would be like watching an atomic color bomb!" Now that is a paraphrase, but essentially such an event would be one of the most interesting things to observe in the Cosmere. I added to this post a couple attachments that I think help capture what such an event might look like. 

I hope you enjoy this little mental image! This post is utterly useless other than to wish you a Happy Holiday my fellow Cosmere Scholar. If you find any other conceptualization of what a God-King color apocalypse would look like please post them below for our amusement! Until the next random post, have a great end to the year!




Oh wow... My side hurts... Love the "By Hoids left butt cheek!" comment. On a serious note, someone needs to get this idea to Brandon. This has to be in one of his stories. The God King defeats the bad guy by simply walking outside in a snow storm, and throwing the enemy into seizures. So great. 

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16 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

When is the next cosmere video going to go up? Also, will he discuss Cognitive Shadows at some points?

I am in production as we speak! (The start of a new year plus the holiday made it hard to keep production going smoothly, but we are just about finished). And yes, we will discuss Cognitive Shadows at some point. They are very fascinating, yet I am hesitant because I feel that the next book in the Alloy of Law will reveal a lot more about them than we currently understand. We will see, but thanks for asking! 

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On 1/8/2017 at 5:38 PM, TheBlueShifting said:

I am in production as we speak! (The start of a new year plus the holiday made it hard to keep production going smoothly, but we are just about finished). And yes, we will discuss Cognitive Shadows at some point. They are very fascinating, yet I am hesitant because I feel that the next book in the Alloy of Law will reveal a lot more about them than we currently understand. We will see, but thanks for asking! 

Might Elsric not know about the Set's minions?  The only reason we know that the Set has Shadows in their employ is because the camera was on a "Fakeless Immortal" when it alluded to that fact.  I don't see any reason why revelations from The Lost Metal can't be omitted from any such letter regarding Shadows.  

Edited by Landis963
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6 hours ago, Landis963 said:

Might Elsric not know about the Set's minions?  The only reason we know that the Set has Shadows in their employ is because the camera was on a "Fakeless Immortal" when it alluded to that fact.  I don't see any reason why revelations from The Lost Metal can't be omitted from any such letter regarding Shadows.  

True... Plus there is some good info about the Returned and such... I have a grand list of topics but I am very selective of when and how I choose each one. Just because I have been thinking about waiting doesn't mean I will. However I am sure that there would need to be updates as we learn more. But I'm glad you guys are all so excited!

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