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Let it be known that I'm so excited about the essays that I haven't even read Edgedancer yet (even though Stormlight is my favourite series). We got some lovely information from Khriss that clarifies so many old questions. I have a few main theories that I want to bring up, that I know some people have already tossed a few of these around, but well, I'm just so excited I needed to make my own thread. Sorry, not sorry.

Selish Observations



-The symbol. We know that the magic on Sel is very location based.The symbols in these books all seem to be about the magic in some way. So, with that, is the symbol a representation of a soul stamp, or perhaps something from the Fjordell Empire?

-Since the landscape is apparently sapient, I wonder if the chasm split because the ground wanted to mess with Elantris...

-The Ire are still frustrating.

-Khriss seems to have been physically on the planet of Donne/Doo, as she describes the sandstorms and intense heat, yet she mentions no Perpendicularity. The lack of a perpendicularity makes sense, because there are only the two mentioned Shards, and they aren't mentioned to have Invested in it. Unless she has a portable Perpendicularity (which seems unlikely, since she complains about not being able to visit some other planets later) or she has space travel (equally unlikely, at least at this time), then I just don't see how she got there. Maybe she can get all that information just from the Cognitive Realm, or she has some magic that we don't know about yet. 

-Khriss talks about the three main empires of Elantris ignoring each other like they aren't there like this is happening currently, even though the preface is likely happening years after the Events of Elantris, which means that this is still going on. Emperor's Soul names the culture the Rose Empire, and on the map of Opelon from Fjordell's point of view in the Elantris tenth anniversary book calls them Rose Barbarians (with a question mark). This either means that the Rose Empire was still developing during the events of Elantris, or the Fjordell empire (probably one of the three that Khriss is talking about) thinks little of the Rose Empire, which is exactly what Khriss is talking about. Each option seems equally likely to me. That leaves me to wonder what the third Empire is, and if we've seen it before. It probably isn't Elantris or Teod, because Fjordell definitely doesn't ignore them.

-Sel's alternate name, Seol, contains the Aon Seo, which means Loyalty, Service. Also the same Aon that's in Seon. The third planet, Ky/Kii, is the Aon Kii, which is Justice. The other two named planets don't contain any Aons that appear in the Ars Arcanum, but the Star's name contains Ashe, which means Light or Illumination, which makes sense.


Scadrian Observations

(Secret History spoilers as well as Arcanum Unbounded)


-The other planets in the system have very odd names. Aagal Uch and Aagal Nod. They don't ring any bells for me, so I don't think we've seen them in the stories relating to anything else. 

-We knew most of the information given about Scadrial already, but Khriss drops some interesting tidbits on other places. She says that Scadrial is one of two planets that has humans that do not predate the arrival of Shards. I wonder where the other is, and if it's one we know. Khriss also talks a lot about Yolen and how Scadrial was clearly based on it when it was created. Which leads me to wonder how Khriss knows so much about Yolen when in Mistborn: Secret History, she talks about an "original planet" (which we know to be Yolen) being hidden or shrouded somewhere in the cosmere. She hasn't found it, but has found stories. So, either those stories were very very detailed about the weight of the planet, and flora/fauna, or she has since found it. Perhaps she knows another Yolenite who told her this information. 

-Khriss name drops someone named Guyn, who provided the star maps. I wonder if he did so for all the systems, and if we've seen him before.

-From the postscript of Mistborn: Secret History, Brandon states that he knew that Kelsier would have a major role in the future books in the Mistborn series, which lends some credence to my theory that good old Kell will be the antagonist or at least a point of conflict for the space odessy trilogy (of which Hoid will be the antagonist, and they have beef).


Taldain Observations



-I really want to see the bio-luminescence of Darkside that Khriss talks about.

-Autonomy does indeed seem to be Trell, which means that Khriss is writing these around Wax and Wayne era or after.

-Khriss says "planets" (plural) when talking about Autonomy's influence...


Threnodite Observations



-I'll mention the three planets being named after sad songs, but I've seen that talked about a lot already. The planet named Purity interests me. Brandon has said that he picked out the Shards' names and Intents by dissecting characteristics of deities throughout various cultures (correct me if I'm wrong), and Purity would seem to fit with that, though not with the theme of funeral songs. There's already a thread on whether or not these songs are about Ambition, so I'll leave that discussion to that board. 

-Ohmygosh Ambition!! (RIP) And it looks like this is another place where Odium has influenced. So, Ambition's Splinters? Where are they? Who was the Vessel? Many questions. Many.

-Perpendicularities on Threnody are unstable and unpredictable, whatever that means. I'm very interested in this. I remember wondering how Nazh had left his planet when there was no Shard and therefore no Perpendicularities. Khriss answered in a very Brandon-like way and refused to mention why they're unstable and why they're morbid.

-Investiture existed here before the battle of Shards, whether Ambition Invested, Odium Invested, or Adonalsium Invested is not clear. 

-Khriss seems to think that it is an ailment that causes you to become a Shade upon death, which I don't remember from the story. The Shadows are apparently just imprints of Investiture that are barely sapient. I agree with Khriss that this deserves more research.

-The symbol probably represent the Three Laws, but there's nothing about running, so I might be wrong.

-Interesting stuff in the postscript. Something appears to be odd about the naming schemes of this planet, and it's somehow important. Brandon dared us to try and guess Nazh's real name, who Isaac seems to have named.

-We'll see more of this world in the future, most likely. This is also very interesting. Brandon considers Threnody a major Shardworld, apparently.


Drominad Observations



-Lot's of information Perpendicularities that we mostly already knew.

-According to Khriss, there are many other planets in the cosmere with no Shards and therefore no Perpendicularities. Apparently, these planets are also inhabited. I wonder if these races are all human, and if Adonalsium created them individually. It must be that, since they could not have worldhopped there. Are the humans from First of the Sun native to the planet?

-Three of the planets have fully developed human societies.

-We seem to know more about the nature of First of the Sun than Khriss, and in the postscript, Brandon says that the essay was written long before the story takes place.


I have to go for now, I'll continue later tonight with the Rosharan system, Silverlight, and some theories I've got about all this new info. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Time to do a complete cosmere reread and hunt for clues.

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8 hours ago, Khyrindor said:

-Khriss seems to have been physically on the planet of Donne/Doo, as she describes the sandstorms and intense heat, yet she mentions no Perpendicularity. The lack of a perpendicularity makes sense, because there are only the two mentioned Shards, and they aren't mentioned to have Invested in it. Unless she has a portable Perpendicularity (which seems unlikely, since she complains about not being able to visit some other planets later) or she has space travel (equally unlikely, at least at this time), then I just don't see how she got there. Maybe she can get all that information just from the Cognitive Realm, or she has some magic that we don't know about yet.

She or other worldhopper may have simply observed it from Shadesmar and extrapolate the informations.

8 hours ago, Khyrindor said:

-Perpendicularities on Threnody are unstable and unpredictable, whatever that means. I'm very interested in this. I remember wondering how Nazh had left his planet when there was no Shard and therefore no Perpendicularities. Khriss answered in a very Brandon-like way and refused to mention why they're unstable and why they're morbid.

As far as she said it's not that Therenody have unstable/unpredictable perpendicularities...but it's probably a general condition of the Cosmere. There are the official perpendicularities where the Investiture's level is very very high (where a Shard has Invested) but there are also some temporanery perpendicularities that may spawn and disappear also without an high level of Investiture. I think it's the reason they are so interesting in First of the Sun where without a Shard...there is a stable (also if little) perpendicularity.

On another point, as you pointed out:

There is some place in the Cosmere where Ambition dies and for this own definition that place would be a major Shardworld (if it's happen on a planet)

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