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10 Warcamp Craters


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Do we know what caused the 10 craters on the Shattered Plains where the 10 Alethi war camps are set up? Both pictures of the Plains have exactly 10 (no extras or empty ones) in a semi circle besides the plains.

My thoughts were that these may have been landing points for the heralds when they came before the desolation? Falling at speed like a meteor...

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I don't think they were...the description from thescene where bridge 4 gets their tattoosite says: "The 'warcamp' was really a city, built up inside the craterlike rim of some enormous rock formation."

Which to me says it's a bit big to soul cast, or at the least impractical (and seemingly to them, natural). I assumed they moved to the shattered Plains and found them convenient.

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46 minutes ago, CosmereQuestioner said:

My thoughts were that these may have been landing points for the heralds when they came before the desolation? Falling at speed like a meteor...

This would be nice, but we saw how the Herald arrive on Roshar...Therefore is really unlikely.

Actually the Craters's origin is quite a mistery....I can't find a likely origin, just weak ideas <_<

In the end, we know too little about the event that Shattered the plains to speculate about the craters...

Edited by Yata
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11 minutes ago, Sand Master said:

Didn't they say that the craters were built as satellite cities by the original people of Natanatan?

I believe that Shallan may have mentioned that she believed that. Also, the Ghostbloods found that secret hideout with a basement that was already present. Seems to confirm that something was there.

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