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If there are no Shards on Threnody...

Mason Wheeler


Every Shard has a Shardpool, which Worldhoppers refer to as Perpendicularities.

According to Hoid in Mistborn: Secret History, a properly-functioning Perpendicularity is the only way for Worldhopper traffic through a world to take place

Threnody has no Shards, and therefore no Shardpools.

Nazh is originally from Threnody, but left that world at some point and became a Worldhopper.


Do we have any knowledge on how to reconcile the above?

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There may be Perpendicularity not linked to Shards... If a Shard invested in a planet soon or later on that planet a Perpendicularity borned by the Shard's investiture will form (what we called Shardpools for years).

But this don't mean there are not perpendicularity without a Shard. We know there are some Investiture left in many place of the Cosmere without any shard's action.

To be more concise: every Shardpool is a perpendicularity but not every perpendicularity is a Shardpool.

As counter example you may notice how the Threnody's magic fits in the minor Shardworld's logic. On threnoty, people don't became mage or gain special power...Instead they have to interact indirectly with magic in the ecosystem (shades).

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1 hour ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Has that been confirmed to be a Perpendicularity?

As far as I know, we have no ufficial WoB about Patji's Eye as Perpendicularity (and to be honest I am a bit sceptic about).

Anyway I remember a WoB about the presence of Shard on Threnody and I was luckly enough to find it quite fast:



What differentiates a minor Shardworld like First of the Sun?

Brandon Sanderson

The amount of Investiture, and whether there is actually a Shard in presence.


I'm assuming there is not one there?

Brandon Sanderson

There is not one there.


So it's like a Splintered one from something else?

Brandon Sanderson

No what you'll find is that the worlds were all created with a level of-- a little bit of sort of ambient magic. What you'll find in worlds like that is things like, Shadows for Silence and things like this, the magic, it's not necessarily "people with magic" it's you can interact with nature...


So there is inherent investiture...

Brandon Sanderson

There is inherent investiture in every world created but you are going to see-- You aren't going to find Mistborn on a world like that but what you might find is a way there are magic aspects to the setting. Spren could exist on a world like that but they would be like the minor spren, you wouldn't find Syl, but you would find something like lifespren.


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OK, after a little searching, I found a WoB that suggests that the pool on First of the Sun isn't a perpendicularity, but doesn't outright confirm either way:



As you've stated that the magic of First of the Sun is natural and independent of any particular Shard, what is the nature of the pool on Patji? Is it also a natural manifestation of magic, a Perpendicularity, or simply a pool like any other?


It's a natural manifestation, but on a much smaller scale than you might find on other worlds.

That's not to say it can't be used for worldhopping, perhaps with more difficulty, but it sounds like whatever the pool is, he may want to reserve the term Perpendicularity for Shards.

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