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Hello, 17th shard. I am Stranker. My friend recommended Mistborn to me 11 months ago. At the time, I had no inspiration for reading. I liked reading, but I didn't think of it as a priority. So I put off Mistborn.....for 7 months. In my defense, from September until the start of February, I was pretty busy. However, I finally picked up Mistborn in February, expecting it to be a book I would just read during my lunches that months. Yeah....I ended up staying up until 4 AM reading it. Then I spent all of my free time for the next two weeks reading the other books. Needless to say, I loved the Mistborn books. I wanted to read more Sanderson after that. I was convinced to read Dune first, but I couldn't get into it, and I ended up dropping the novel. Then, I read the Wax & Wayne novels along with Secret History and Stormlight 1 in April. The Way of Kings ended up replacing Mistborn as my favorite novel, so I instantly dove into the second novel, which I read in a weekend. Since then, I have read Warbreaker, Elantris, The Emperor's Soul, and in two days I plan on reading Perfect State. So yeah, I think I'm a little obsessed with Sanderson novels.

In fact, I liked reading so much, that I have begun writing my own fantasy novel. So far, I have had a ton of fun writing it. I'm trying not to take too much from Sanderson (maybe I should have read novels from other authors in between Sanderson novels), but the inspiration definitely shows. My chapter length is something I need to fix, but for now I am writing what I am comfortable with. Hopefully, I'll get good enough to get a novel published!

So I love the lore in the cosmere, especially with the mystery around Hoid. I joined 17th shard to discuss my thoughts with other Sanderson fans (for a while I've been doing that on reddit). So, is there anything not obvious that I should know about this site? Thanks!

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Welcome @Stranker! Glad to have another fellow Sanderfan on the 17th Shard!

One thing that you might like to do now that you have joined the community is browse this: 

It sets out the rules, policies etc. of the forum. You can learn what the spoiler tag 


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and you can also learn about the different parts of the site.

A second thing you might want to know is if anyone offers you cookies on this forum it is a great idea to turn them down - the cookies possess hemalurgic spikes and they will steal from you! Beware! ;) 

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