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[Theory] Misting's Allomancy is safer than Mistborn's one


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In another topic we asked if a Misting may burn other metals (of course he can't obtain any power from them) or sense them as source of power at all.


There talks made me think a lot about the Metallic Arts (and when I will find the time I want to write a complete topic about) but today I will talk only of the Misting's Allomancy alone.

I asked this to Peter Ahlstrom (https://twitter.com/PeterAhlstrom/status/725031315863658497) and I recive this answer:


Yata: Are mistings exposed to the "burning bad alloy or wrong metal" problem (hurting them), like mistborn are?

Peter: Good question. I don't know if they can even sense an off alloy of their metal.

Yata: it's exactly my doubt... I have an idea about Mistborn using an "unsafe" allomancy and I try expand better the difference



Then I got no other answer, I waited for some days hoping in a new reply but nothing.


Anyway also if He didn't explicit answer, He seems to me imply that a Misting can't sense any other metal and probably neither a bad alloy of his own metal.


This made me think that Misting's Allomancy is protected by an "out of parameters" use.

This is more in-line with Preservation's Power and I think it's because Allomancy as a Magic System spawned as "misting only" magic.


The exsistence of Mistborns (and probably Full Feruchemist, but here we know nothing) is the result of some Allomancy's Hacking (we know for example the overwriting effect of Lerasium) or other aberations that somehow happen in the popolation (the same mutation that happens also in the real world....but without the Superpowers).

In the end Preservation may be created the whole Mistborn concept as a tool for his masterplan aganist Ruin, pushing the allomancy to its limit.


Mistborn are more "experimental Allomancer" they may try to burn everything with the hope to obtain some magical effect (I will be no surprise if they are capable of burning other than metal Invested's substances gaining some magical effect) and they can't harm themself with their power.



Any thought about ?

PS: We have some WoB-like words to refer as Peter's quotes ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

you have right.. this "WoP" may be read in different ways:

- I don't know

- They can't burn other metals, I am not even sure they can burn a bad alloy of their metal.


Of course I builded my theory on the second interpretation that of course may be wrong. But I have to say the theory of a Unsafe Allomancy, predate the Question. Some clue in the books made me think in this way and this push me to ask that to Peter.

Edited by Yata
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I think that mistings can burn their metal if it's off. So long as it's close enough to produce the effect.

Yeah but probably when the metal began to be too different they are uncapable... this protect them from any kind of damage

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  • 5 months later...

Double post...but there are months from the previous. I asked to Brandon the answer and obtain an answer here:


Q: Can a Misting hurt himself burning the wrong metals or a bad alloy ?

A: Not really, but they can swallow something they can't burn and end up with metal poisoning. Kind of similar.

Q: Thanks for the answers...So we may tell that a Misting's Allomancy is "safer" than a Mistborn's one. Maybe because it's the original/natural way how Allomancy manifest itself (without godlike interferences)

A:  Sure, you could potentially say that. You can still make yourself sick, though, so I'm not sure. I guess it comes down to your definition of "hurt." But I'd call it safer, yes.


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On 5/5/2016 at 1:06 PM, Yata said:

The exsistence of Mistborns (and probably Full Feruchemist, but here we know nothing) is the result of some Allomancy's Hacking (we know for example the overwriting effect of Lerasium) or other aberations that somehow happen in the popolation (the same mutation that happens also in the real world....but without the Superpowers).

Interesting thought. I actually had a thought some time ago that feruchemy did originally manifest as ferrings only. It only progressed to full feruchemists because the people who possessed the genes gathered together and amplified the gene. 

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18 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Interesting thought. I actually had a thought some time ago that feruchemy did originally manifest as ferrings only. It only progressed to full feruchemists because the people who possessed the genes gathered together and amplified the gene. 

It's possible, maybe the 1000 years of TFE seems to point aganist, but possible. I had another idea on Feruchemy's origin but it's really counterintuitive.

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