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Szeth's master


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I can't find mention of it, but is the person who recruited Szeth for Taravengian a ElseCaller or LightWeaver? He Soulcast a wall into smoke, and a gemstone is mentioned as being suspended in his palm. 


But so is Jasnah' s. Is this man a Soul-Caster?

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That person is using a Soulcasting fabrial, to the best of my knowledge.

Kharbranth has no Soulcasters, though naturally Taravangian's organization (if it's the Ghostbloods or Restares' group or any other secret conspiracy) will have some. The Soulcaster the man had was odd, however:

The chained gemstone on the man’s palm flashed. The wall vanished, turned to smoke. A Soulcaster.

There was only one gem on the chain, not the three of regular Soulcasters. Why would he skimp? I'm also loathe to trust Szeth's conclusions on anything. The idea of this man being a Surgebinder is intriguing and worth following up on, though I do think it's unlikely.

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Kharbranth has no Soulcasters, though naturally Taravangian's organization (if it's the Ghostbloods or Restares' group or any other secret conspiracy) will have some. The Soulcaster the man had was odd, however:

There was only one gem on the chain, not the three of regular Soulcasters. Why would he skimp? I'm also loathe to trust Szeth's conclusions on anything. The idea of this man being a Surgebinder is intriguing and worth following up on, though I do think it's unlikely.

As far as I'm concerned, Kharbranth is the world's Soulcasting capitol. Shallan makes that same mental note late into the book and backs it up with the evidence that Taravangian needed Jasnah for his granddaughter and that rock. I'm calling BS (not the author). Where else do we hear or find evidence of them not having any? I think if I was supposed to hear an explanation, I already missed it. 

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I presume it's one of the lesser Soulcasters that Shallan mentions, one that can only perform a few simple transformations, in this case, stone to smoke.


That's interesting. The lesser Soulcasters only have one slot for gemstones, you'd theorize? Hmm. Something to think about.

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The interesting thing for me about this episode is that it is unnecessary.  The guy got in with that wall in place.  Why wouldn't he just leave the way he came in?  Are they showing off for Szeth?

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