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Creating a Type IV... you


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So, I have this crazy idea.

Powers you need to have to make it work:

  • copper Feruchemy
  • copper Allomancy
  • aluminium Feruchemy
  • duraluminium Feruchemy
  • Awakening and at least Ninth Heightening

Assumption: Compounding copper lets you multiply stored memories (so you end up with 10 copies of the burned memory). That way you can both remember everything and at the same time have it stored.

First, you make a sword out of copper, aluminium and duraluminium. It doesn't have to be sword, but let's say it is.

You store copper, aluminium and duraluminium 100% and Compound copper to have your memories back and still have a full coppermind.

Then you Awaken the sword (I'm still figuring out the Command). Since the metalminds are yours, the Breaths take the path of least resistance and model the sentience after the metalminds. That way you should have an Awakened sword with your mind (as in the process of Awakening it drains your Identity, your Connections and all of your memories).

Maybe you also need to throw in nicrosil, I'm not sure. Your thoughts?

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After i thought about it for a bit i think you don´t even necessarily need to awaken the object, it could be enough if you could compound aluminium and duraluminium (also copper if you want to have any influence on the character of the entity).


Basicly you just have to fill the object you want to have sentience with absurd amounts of Identity and Connection. Identity so that it has a sentience (sense of self) and Connection so that it can communicate with others (form a bond) (i also think it would need connection because otherwise it could be self aware but wouldn´t know there is something beside itself). Now we have an object which has sentience and can conect to the outside world, but it would develop it´s own unique character. Because of the stored connection it would know it´s place of origin and probably have feelings to the people who are close to you, but without the context of your memories these feelings could lead to bad or tragic resulst, so to be safe you probably should give it some (with copper compounding) (this way you could also avoid the trouble nightblood is having with not knowing what evil ist because of the missing context)

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Breath is needed to provide spark of life. As far as I know metalminds can't just become alive.

The whole trick is to make the Awakened entity be basically you, that's why you need Feruchemical aluminium, Feruchemical duraluminium and Feruchemical copper.

Edited by Oversleep
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I think a breath only counts partly as spark of life because it just gives an object a "desire" (so to speak) to act in an specific way, but not full sentience and since a breath is just a bit of innate Investiture, maybe you could imitate it with nicrosil compounding. (Or the object could share your spark when you form a bond with it)


I don´t think you could create an exact copy of yourself, even if you store all your memories (even in multiples) and your identity. It would become something similiar to you, but since the object you´re working with has its own cognitiv and spiritual self it would be something else.


Also i just thought about it but time could also be an important factor, at least if your working witch feruchemy. Since you can´t mix the metals, because it would be a new alloy, you would probably have to wait sometime, so that the object considers itself as one and not many parts and maybe the sentience also needs time to form itself. Here i think a breath could work as a cataclyst, with the "desire" to act. But we also have to remember that we are working with two diffrent kinds of investiture, so maybe it wouldn´t work because of interference.

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I think the logical flaw here is that if you awaken something which already some information pre-programmed into it, that it will register the information and use it, which might not necessarily be the case (although it could well be).


Interesting idea, though. I'd love to see what would happen with this.

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I think the logical flaw here is that if you awaken something which already some information pre-programmed into it, that it will register the information and use it, which might not necessarily be the case (although it could well be).


Interesting idea, though. I'd love to see what would happen with this.

How about dumping all the Feruchemichal charge into metalminds at the same moment as you Awaken? Maybe it could mix.

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The Awakening might draw on the stored Identity or memories and use those as a command, which would make this more plausible.


It would be terrifying if Nightblood was actually imprinted with TLR's Identity, Connection and memories.


Wait a sec... We have a WoB that Nightblood was made with mixed Investitures.... Crazy theory confirmed!

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