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Chromium and Inquisitors [Bands Broadsheet Spoilers]


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Allomantic Chromium disrupts/disbands the Investiture of objects or persons in physical contact. Nicki Savage temporarily disables Nazh's shade-cannon with her Chromium in the Bands broadsheet, demonstrating that this works on other forms of Investiture.

What is the limit?

Can a Leecher (Chromium Misting) get rid of the Investiture in a Hemalurgic spike? If so, we have a new method for killing Inquisitors -- just have a Leecher touch key spikes and suddenly they're plain old kill-you-dead spikes. Even a temporary disruption, as with Nazh's shade-cannon, should be enough.

While burning Duralumin or tapping Feruchemical Nicrosil-stored Allomantic Chromium at 100x, can Chromium be used to remove Preservation's soul-investiture, and therefore to kill with a touch? Since Chromium removes Investiture, it stands to reason that with enough Allomantic strength, these things are possible. A strong enough Leecher is basically Nightblood, minus certain misunderstandings about evil, and assorted destructive powers.

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Once a spike is implanted in a victim, its Investiture activates and rewrites the victim's Spiritweb to have whatever quality the spike was charged with.  Leechers do not appear to affect Investiture being actively used in a soul (not to be confused with Investiture used by a soul - e.g. Allomancy), although that may be a function of allomantic strength as you posit.  Therefore, spiked creatures would not keel over upon contact with a Leecher.  

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Chromium is exempt from the metal inside a body rule. I've never thought to consider this odd before. It's slightly off topic, but does anybody know the reason for this?


But I do agree. By the time you can kill a spiked person with Chromuim you'd probably be able to cut out the middleman and just eat souls outright.

Edited by Observer
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Somewhere there is a WoB about how "Allumin in the right circumstance may drain a Metalmind" (actually we don't know how, but just that it can be do), I don't know if the same method may be used with a Spike.


In another WoB, Mister Sanderson made a distinction between "type" of Investiture, He said "Nightblood may drain any kind of Cinetics Investiture", probably is the same difference between consume "raw Investiture" and "Spirit-Web" maybe the Chromium and Allumin may cancel the first but not the second (A Mistborn may be kill himself by Alluminium+Duralluminium if the Soul is something targettable)

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