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What to do with myself!


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Hey everyone!


Before I gallivant off into the direction of the interesting topics and start babbling away why I love the Sanderson books as much as i do, I thought I'd introduce myself first.

So erm, hi! 

My name is Rosanne, but you can all call me Sprender. Or Rosanne. Or whatever, I don't really care, as long as it's friendly. 
I just finished reading Words of Radiance for the third time and I'm looking for something else to read. Except, all I want to read right now, is Stormlight no.3! It's terribly frustrating, but I'm sure you all know the feeling. 

Hey! You're still reading this! Huh, surprised me there you did... truly! Well, if you'd like to know more about me (which I highly doubt), you can always ask some completely random questions below and I might even answer them. Especially when I'm as bored as I am right now without any good books to read (read: the only book I think would satisfy me at the moment is Stormlight 3).

Anyway, enough babbling about me, I'm going to explore this little Sanderson corner of the internet some more.


Good day, night, morning, afternoon or whenever you read this and whatever's appropriate!




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Don't take the cookies.  They have a distressing tendency to staple bits of other peoples' spiritwebs to yours.  They're kind of poky.


How much non-Stormlight Sanderson have you read?  There's a ton out there, and I highly recommend Mistborn.  Especially the Era 2 stuff.  But that's totally not because I have a ridiculous crush on Wayne or anything...  <_<

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.... but... I like cookies...


I've read Warbreaker, The Reckoners and by my Sanderson initiation started with Mistborn series. I wanted to reread them before going to the Era 2 stuff, as you put it, but having trouble reading Hero of Ages again. Elend gets on my nerves... though I loved him in Final Empire. Now I'm getting curious to that Wayne character...

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.... but... I like cookies...


I've read Warbreaker, The Reckoners and by my Sanderson initiation started with Mistborn series. I wanted to reread them before going to the Era 2 stuff, as you put it, but having trouble reading Hero of Ages again. Elend gets on my nerves... though I loved him in Final Empire. Now I'm getting curious to that Wayne character...


Around these parts, "cookies" is a code word for "Hemalurgical spikes".  Don't eat them, you'll break a tooth.


And Wayne is the best.  :wub:  Though his particular brand of humor isn't for everyone, I admit.


Kaymyth has a crush on Wayne, but dont tell anyone, it is a secret.


The cookies are hemalurgic spikes, which depending on your opinion of hemalurgy is either better or worse.


Hush, you. :P  (Really, this is the first big crush on a fictional character I've had in years.  The last one was Harper on Andromeda.  ...yes, I have a type.)

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I know what you mean.  <_<  Oathbringer needs to come out soon.

Welcome here! You seem pretty cool. I think you'll like our lovely corner of the internet.


If you're looking for more books to read that aren't Sanderson (Though I would recommend every single obscure novella he's published  B)) there's a thread in the general discussion subforum for that.  :)

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