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Feruchemy and God Metals

Bob The Peanut

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A question about the origin of Feruchemy got me thinking: If larasium gives you Mistborn powers and is a piece of Preservation and atium is a piece of Ruin, would an alloy of these metals give you Feruchemical powers? It makes sense, considering Feruchemy is an end-neutral art.

Anyway, that's my whole theory.

P.S. I just joined these forums, so correct me if this topic is in the right place.

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it's possible, I developed an idea about Feruchemy "unlock"... I suppose there is a threeshold of Ruin and Presevation Investiture needed to became a Feruchemy or a balancing between the two investiture.


In my model the Terrismen were pushed by the prophecies to assimilate some Ruin's Investiture (eating Atium, drinking a drop of Ruin's Shardpool or remaked by an Ascended ones to integrate more Ruin's Investiture) actually this is the weak point of the model and they developed Feruchemy.

There are more details but it's of course unsure, if you want... you may find it in my signature (probably with the new material I have to update it).

Edited by Yata
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