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I'm killing an old theory of mine...


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The following you about to read is true. This is a theory I came up with three years back on the actual power of Lerasium, using logic and conjecture.


Remember in the end of WoA when Preservation (in Mist Spirit Mode [MSM]) mortally wounded Elend in an effort to get Vin to take the power of the Well of Ascension for herself? Theory #1: Preservation knew that in the event Vin gave up the power of the Well of Ages, she would give Elend the Lerasium Preservation can see the future, so this is still in the realm of possibility. Which may seem insignificant by itself, That is why I have theory two, which makes sense given Preservation's desire to preserve, and Elend's "innate goodness" Theory #2: Under no circumstances (save ones with world changing consequences) would Preservation want Elend to die Which, again is also not that important. But now we bring in the facts: Fact #1: Elend was mortally wounded by the Mist Spirit Therefore, Preservation only mortally wounded Elend because he knew that Elend would survive, and Elend would imbibe Lerasium. Theory #3: When burning Lerasium, by default one triggers the intended purpose, as one will become a Mistborn by burning the smallest amount, so the rest of the burn must have the actual power of Lerasium used. Therefore: Theory #4: Lerasium allows one to survive Near Death Experiences. And it makes sense! Preservation's power preserves you!



...And it's all so very wrong. Even the fact is wrong. Well, that's one Lerasium theory down the drain. Moral of the story - never never never assume anything about Kelsier.

Edited by aeromancer
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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing you assumed about Kelsier was that he wasn't involv...

There is always another secret.

Oh my God...

You can just call me Kelsier, I am on vacation right now.

You... you magnificent bastard! Was it always your plan? How do they call you on Roshar?

"Magnificent bastard". Sums me up rather well, but could be more original. Now, I am too busy to answer, so try to survive long enough for Era 3.

He... he left.

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