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Names in Brandon's books

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http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53372-catalog-of-worldhoppers/page-2#entry416929At this thread that I linked some of us start talking(better say typing) off the topic. So I'm starting this new thread about names in Brandon's books.

I personally, and belive most of you, noticed that, not in just BS's works, but in most of the books at the market, there are rarely used same first names even if there's lots of characters.(I know that's because writers don't want their readers to be confused, but in most cases in real life you run at bunch of people that have same or very similar name as you)

So some sharders here wondered why isn't there maybe just mentioned that there are some people named at example after Vin, Elend, Kelsier?

Also I want ask sharders which of first and last names in Sanderson's books are the most unique, interesting, cool to you?

At the end: what do you think about the names of plants, animals, creatures, nations, planets in cosmere and other BS's work?

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I find the character makes the name distinctive.


EX: Basically anyone from Scadrial or roshar I could name, but anyone from...... say...... 6th of the dusk or warbreaker will escape my mind, because those characters made less of an impact to me.

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Hopefully, you remember Sixth of the Dusk from Sixth of the Dusk. :P


I like that Brandon has included little bits about names in the Stormlight Archive. Besides "The Lopen" and Rock in WoK, I remember that someone's inner monologue (maybe Shallan's?) noted that Kaladin sounded like a lighteyes' name. There was also a bit about Nohadon being symmetric by way of the "h" being written with a mark over the glyph, and symmetry being a sign of honor/respect.


I also like that the character going by "Warbreaker the Peaceful" has no idea what that name means. That makes all of us, WB.

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Names fascinate me. I can spend over an hour just looking through baby name books. Names are an art.

First, this is a very specific answer to your question, but one reason none of the Mistborn characters in era 2 could be that it's considered taboo to name their children after the characters of legend. (Like the way it's taboo to name your kid Jesus maybe . . . ?) I'm not sure on that. 

I also love that he will make his names distinctive from on another. By reading someone's name, you can tell just a little about their culture. 

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