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[Secret History Spoilers Maybe?] God Beyond


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Ok so I literally just finished Secret History, I had this crazy idea, and a quick forum search didn't bring anything up about this, so here goes.


Through out SH, the place after death is referred to as the Beyond. Khriss says that Adonalsium was killed. When people die, they go to the Beyond. Adonalsium was a god, who has now gone to the Beyond. One could even say that he's a God Beyond.


Drops mic. Walks out.


Other than the logical consistency of this idea, the only other piece of evidence I have for it is that the Beyond is spelled with a capital B. Even if I'm wrong and the God Beyond isn't Adonalsium, the fact the Beyond is capitalized, means that the Beyond is a real thing, and by extension, the God Beyond.


Also if this has been brought up before, I'm sorry. I have failed all of you. 

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Adonalsium was held by a Vessel who was killed as part of the shattering process.  It was the Vessel who moved Beyond.


Also, it appears that the notion of God Beyond predates the shattering of Adonalsium.

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Adonalsium was held by a Vessel who was killed as part of the shattering process.  It was the Vessel who moved Beyond.


Also, it appears that the notion of God Beyond predates the shattering of Adonalsium.


RIP my hopes and dreams

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It's worth noting that in Words of Radiance the Stormfather considers himself to be Honor's "spren". Even if we assume Adonalsium didn't leave a Cognitive Shadow, and I suppose I can buy that whatever the shattering involved also included getting rid of that pesky god shade, there's a very real chance that a being of such power could have left an indent of some kind. essentially, even if it's not the Beyond, Adonalsium might still be around in some form more coherent than the shards.


It's also worth noting that Hoid mentions the God Beyond several times, and might be part of how the term spreads across various Shardworlds. If the term first began on Yolen, it could refer to a Adonalsium. Or maybe its meaning hasn't changed at all this whole time, and it still refers to the idea of a God beyond the shards.

Basically what I'm saying is I have a bunch of ideas but I actually have no idea.

Edited by Observer
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It's worth noting that in Words of Radiance the Stormfather considers himself to be Honor's "spren". Even if we assume Adonalsium didn't leave a Cognitive Shadow, and I suppose I can buy that whatever the shattering involved also included getting rid of that pesky god shade, there's a very real chance that a being of such power could have left an indent of some kind. essentially, even if it's not the Beyond, Adonalsium might still be around in some form more coherent than the shards.

The Stormfather is quite a "special case" because it's he the merging of Tanavast's Shadow with a powerfull (I suppose) Spren, the Rider of the Storm.


Now that we saw in SH how the Cognitive's Shadow work... We may try to explain better what happened at Honor's Death

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