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Pathfinder interest


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I was going to Sanderson-ize the title and call it Stormfinder or Mistfinder or something, but it seem's like too much trouble.


So, yeah. I've been trying to learn the rules for some tabletop roleplaying games lately. I'm still trying to piece together the rules for FATE, but I think I understand the basics, at least, of Pathfinder...


And since we already have a fairly thriving RPG section here, I figured it was worth asking: would anyone be interested in doing a Pathfinder play-by-post game?

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While I'm horrible at keeping up with PbPs, may I recommend taking at peek at Mutants and Masterminds? It's D20-based, same as Pathfinder, but a lot more handily able to build sets of abilities that should be able to reasonably mimic the abilities of the various Cosmere magic sets, and be flexible enough to let you use a worldhopper without having to faff about with kludges.


...I was honestly thinking about how I could run Reckoners as a tabletop game with it a couple days ago.

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While I'm horrible at keeping up with PbPs, may I recommend taking at peek at Mutants and Masterminds? It's D20-based, same as Pathfinder, but a lot more handily able to build sets of abilities that should be able to reasonably mimic the abilities of the various Cosmere magic sets, and be flexible enough to let you use a worldhopper without having to faff about with kludges.


...I was honestly thinking about how I could run Reckoners as a tabletop game with it a couple days ago.

True, as a system specifically intented to emulate a superhero setting, it is very adaptable and high on customization, while still having more rules and different effects than for example the FATE system, which if memory serves deals mostly in flavour around very generalized outcomes for each action.

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Well, I hadn't thought of running a Sanderson specific game; Mistfinder was mostly me just joking because...uh... I'm odd, I guess.

Still, I'm a fan of superheroes, and I've heard of M&M before, so I'll add it to my list of gaming systems!

(Current list, if anyone is curious, is Pathfinder, FATE and Adeptus Evangelion 3rd edition).

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True, as a system specifically intented to emulate a superhero setting, it is very adaptable and high on customization, while still having more rules and different effects than for example the FATE system, which if memory serves deals mostly in flavour around very generalized outcomes for each action.


Fate is extremely storyteller-oriented, using the Aspects to define how things are in a given situation. It's much looser than any D20 system, but at the same time the way the flexibility exists requires some odd system shenanigans for some things other systems have hard-coded, like magic.

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I'd be very interested in taking part. My last Pathfinder game ended a few years ago now, sadly (just before my Zen Archer got really awesome), so I'd be more than happy to play another campaign. If it was to be Pathfinder, what would be allowed? From what I recall, the base, core and a few additional classes are all available on the SRD, but I'd like to check - My GM didn't allow Magi, for example, due to potential strength reasons.


Alternatively, I'd also be happy to play other systems, as I wouldn't mind branching out. I've played Pathfinder, WH40K and Call of Cthulhu before, so am fairly open system-wise. I think it really just depends on the setting you want to use for it, though they're all fairly manipulable.


It just occurs to me that I remember speaking to you about all this stuff to great length before :P. If you need a hand with Pathfinder-stuff, I can always give some advice as well. Not so much other systems though >>.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I'd be very interested in taking part. My last Pathfinder game ended a few years ago now, sadly (just before my Zen Archer got really awesome), so I'd be more than happy to play another campaign. If it was to be Pathfinder, what would be allowed? From what I recall, the base, core and a few additional classes are all available on the SRD, but I'd like to check - My GM didn't allow Magi, for example, due to potential strength reasons.


Alternatively, I'd also be happy to play other systems, as I wouldn't mind branching out. I've played Pathfinder, WH40K and Call of Cthulhu before, so am fairly open system-wise. I think it really just depends on the setting you want to use for it, though they're all fairly manipulable.


It just occurs to me that I remember speaking to you about all this stuff to great length before :P. If you need a hand with Pathfinder-stuff, I can always give some advice as well. Not so much other systems though >>.

I'd probably leave choices like that up to whoever is DMing...unless you're assuming I'd be DMing.

Which, frankly, I wouldn't be opposed to. It seems interesting; I just don:'t have any experience with it, and a very limited Pathfinder experience in general.

(As in, two games, both of which are still in early stages).

Then again, doing so on a site like this -where I'm generally a known person- is probably better than jumping in feet first as a stranger on another site.

If it was me, I'd probably just allow anything from the PRD and SRD, since I don't know the system well enough to know what's broken or not. But...this is mostly a fact finding thread, to see who would be up for a game. I could start putting details together if enough people are up for it.

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Have to admit, I did assume you were going to be the GM, since you posted this thread :P.


It's fine to allow anything, I think, provided the players don't abuse it. I have a lot of fun playing strong classes sub-optimally for flavour reasons...


Incidentally, those 'Advanced Classes' are so weird... I think they must have been released since I was playing. I guess they take up the idea of 'Gestalt' characters, which is a D&D variant where each player advances in two classes simultaneously... 

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Have to admit, I did assume you were going to be the GM, since you posted this thread :P.


It's fine to allow anything, I think, provided the players don't abuse it. I have a lot of fun playing strong classes sub-optimally for flavour reasons...


Incidentally, those 'Advanced Classes' are so weird... I think they must have been released since I was playing. I guess they take up the idea of 'Gestalt' characters, which is a D&D variant where each player advances in two classes simultaneously... 


I presume you're referring to things like the Hunter, Slayer, and so on? Yeah, the idea behind those was to essentially make a hybrid of two classes without having two characters jammed into one. They work fairly well, all things considered, and each one has its own distinctive flavor.

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I might be interested, and I have quite a bit of DMing experience with d&d 3.5 (the spiritual predecessor of Pathfinder). I don't have time to participate until may, though. So if this hasn't gotten if the ground by then, or if it has but you've reached a place where it makes sense to add another player, I'd be interested.

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