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[Secret History Spoilers] A Little Bit Cracked


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So, Kelsier as a Cognitive Shadow can speak to people who are mad because their soul is cracked enough to let him into those cracks. It's amusing that he tried to recruit someone who was slightly insane for his plans, and it backfired on him. 


Warbreaker Spoilers

Nightblood could also speak to insane people. He had better luck getting someone to do what he wanted. Although I think people still ended up dead as a result.


Then, as a Vessel for Preservation, Kelsier lost this ability. I think the reason given in the book was that Preservation's power tried to shore up the cracks or something like that.


Could this be a hint that only some of the magic systems don't actually require cracked souls?


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No, allomancers had to snap, and the reason for that was to supply the cracks. I think the bit about shoring up cracks was to [a] reinforce the ruin talks & preservation listens concept and to explain that preservation can't widen cracks which would presumably be necessary to enable communication.

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It's basically explaining that in order to allow a Shard to talk to people, they need to have access to a power that fundamentally doesn't try to heal the cracks in their spiritwebs.


Preservation as a power would want to repair those cracks, so attempting to communicate through that power is impossible- it stops up the spiritual cracks instead of seeping through. As Ruin wants to widen the cracks, that shard can communicate with people open to Investiture just fine.

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It becomes odd then, that lerasium by default grants a power that is useless without cracks.

I thought that becoming a Mistborn was actually more of a side-effect of Lerasium, but not the principle effect of it. That it actually does something, such as how atium does something, we just don't know what it is.

Edited by rabidhexley
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