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Hey Guys/Gals

I know everyone here is waiting for the new Mistborn, and Stormlight 3.  Since this is the fansite for our beloved Machinegun Novelist Brandon Sanderson.  Based on several other threads I know quite a few others are waiting on winds of winter and doors of stone as well. However I have come to recognize that there is a problem developing....  mainly that these non sanderson books never seem to be published. but the problem isn't limited to 2 books by 2 authors.  No, it has become the standard. I took stock today and realized I am waiting on too many authors, and I am compelled to provide the short list.

Jim butchers (Piece Talks)

Brent weeks (The Blood Mirror)

Scott Lynch (The Thorn of Emberlain)

Mark Lawrence (The Red Queens War #3)

Brian Stavely's (The Last Mortal Bond)

David Webbers (honor Harrington #14)

Orson Scott Cards (Second Formic War Series)

Anything by Greg Rucka


Bv Larsons (Undying Mercinaries #6)

But to be fair BV Larson Pumps out books like Sanderson does and I am just waiting on that book in particular.


sorry back on topic, the last 5 years or so I have been spoiled by Brandon sanderson and BV Larson as they both pump out book at incredible speed.  However I find myself becoming angry with every other author that doesn't put out a book every 4-6 months.


Are any of you in a similar position? which authors do you love, that don't put out books quickly enough?


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Orson Scott Cards final book in the Alvin Maker series. As much as I loathed parts of that series, I really want to see the end.

Michael Carrol's Superhuman/Quantum prophecy finale.

Tad Williams new Osten Ard books

New Timothy Zhan Star Wars books to explore the new EU

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