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South-Scadrial radio? (broadsheet spoilers)


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So, everyone seems to be assuming that the talking metallic objects in the broadsheet are Awakened objects like a certain sword we know.  But there's another way that you can get metallic objects to talk.


We already know that the South Scadrians are "more technological" than the people in the north.  In SoS, Harmony brought up the radio while specificall addressing the differences between north and south.


"Already I fear that I made things too easy for men.  This city, the perfect climate, the ground that renews--You were to have had the radio a century ago, but you didn't need it, so you didn't strive for it...You've barely progressed technologically from what I gave you in the books. Yet others, who were nearly destroyed--"


So, how likely is it that the talking metallic objects are picking up radio waves broadcast from the south?

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I don't know how any metal objects would pick up radio waves, if they weren't radios. However, if there are radios laying around in Elendel Basin, that means the people from South have already infiltrated the Basin unnoticed. If, judging by Harmony's words, they discovered radio around 100 years ago, that means that right now, the South is technologically somewhere around our 1990s. damnation, theoretically, they might have already landed on the moon (although they probably didn't as they didn't have anyone to compete like USA and Russia did)! 


Ohh, I can't wait to see the clash of the cultures... That reminds me of one Polish fantasy series, where the planet was divided in half by super-huge mountains and on one side there is magic, while on the other, people developed technology. One day, the technical half, blows their way through the mountains using nuclear weapons... The first contact of cultures: nuclear submarine vs wooden ship. I think I'll read it again!

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The minimum requirements for radio reception are an antenna, a ground, and something that can rectify the signal.  Rust can rectify: WWII foxhole radios used rusty nails as rectifiers.  Accidental radio reception occurs often, particularly near AM transmitters: you can find all sorts of stories from people whose fans act as radios.  Certainly, a hammer will never act as a radio receiver, but it's established that there's electricity in the outlying cities, and if there are electronic devices lying around, they might act as accidental receivers.

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Yeah, no evidence on fllings--the Myth Busters gave a 'nope' to that one.  But plenty of other things can pick up radio. For instance: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090205220913AAcnVCh


It doesn't surprise me that was debunked, but the fan thing totally makes up for it.  I love it when the world decides to be weird. :)

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Ohh, I can't wait to see the clash of the cultures... That reminds me of one Polish fantasy series, where the planet was divided in half by super-huge mountains and on one side there is magic, while on the other, people developed technology. One day, the technical half, blows their way through the mountains using nuclear weapons... The first contact of cultures: nuclear submarine vs wooden ship. I think I'll read it again!

Is the book in Polish or English? And if the latter, what's the title?

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Is the book in Polish or English? And if the latter, what's the title?


Just a heads up if you are interested in an English-language story with a similar premise you might consider David Weber's "Multiverse" series. The first book is called "Hell's Gate".


Quick rundown: There are two civilizations, one magically based and the other with early 1900s technology, that are independently exploring the "multiverse". The respective homeworlds of each civilization (both are geographically identical to Earth) have a portal that leads to an another Earth that is the exact same as their homeworld with the exception that there are no humans on any of the copies. Each copy has another portal and the next has another portal and so on. Each civilization has been exploring, and colonizing, these empty earths for quite some time until, one day, two small scouting parties from each side meet! *dramatic music*



(magic land) -> | portal | -> empty earth -> | portal | ... | Hell's Gate| ... | portal | <- empty earth <- | portal | <- (tech land)


It is a, imo, really interesting series with the biggest downside being that it is unfinished; there are currently only two books out. Also, the first book is REALLY REALLY wordy and descriptive. If you can handle that then you should be ok haha

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